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The division Further Education at Freie Universität trains IT specialists in a training network on an annual basis. The trainees undergo the theoretical and practical training course mainly at the Freie Universität. Annually approx. 10 - 15 trainees as IT specialists are enrolled in the program. The blog replaces the traditional (paper) reporting for the 8-week job internship and can, if necessary replace the "report portfolio" of the trainees. The trainees report in their blog about the experiences made and their undertakings suring during their stay in Ireland. The focal point of the reports is of cours ethe course the job experiences made but at the same time the impressions of everyday life during the stay should also be portrayed. In the form of a digital "report portfolio" the trainers receive impressive about the progress of their internship abroad. The trainees connect with each other via the blog, exchange experiences made and learn from one another. The trainees write their reports in English und and thereby also further develop their language skills especially with regard to the IT vocabulary. In addition, the English reporting also makes it a lot easier to communicate and exchange ideas with the trainers and colleagues on site. 


titleTable of contents



Course titleInternshop Internship for training IT specialists, afib
Course typeInternship

Stefan Bavar

No. of particpants15

8 weeks


Experiences made by the lecturer

The trainees were sceptical skeptical at the start about using the new tool. Especially as - for this special case - the reports were supposed to be in English. During the internship, though, the blog proved to be a fitting tool for accompanying the internship. Especially the possibility of uploading photos and short (mobile phone) videos was taken up well. 
