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{de} Im Forschungskolloquium werden internationale Projekte aus dem Bereich der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften vorgestellt. In diesem Semester wird ein Schwerpunkt auf Themen aus den digitalen Altertumswissenschaften liegen. Die Veranstaltung ist offen für externe Teilnehmer*innen, eine Registrierung ist nicht erforderlich, der Webex-Link bleibt über das ganze Semester gleicheinfach diesen Link klicken: de/dh_colloquium_fu_berlin  Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Prof. Dr. Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter (

{en} This research colloquium presents international Digital Humanities projects. This semester will feature a number of talks from digital classics. The event is open to external participants, registration is not required, the Webex link remains the same throughout the semesterjust click this link: de/dh_colloquium_fu_berlin  If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter (


Maximilian Noichl (Universität Bamberg/Universität Wien): »Modeling Multlingual Philosophies«

The vast increase in scholarly output since the early 20th century poses interesting challenges to the historiography of the humanities and sciences. While case-studies of discoveries, exchanges and biographies remain informative, more general statements about the shifting structure and focus of inquiry become challenging. This, among other factors, has led scholars to embrace computer-aided forms of research that explore large corpora of material by means of natural language processing. One additional complication that arises here for the study of the humanistic fields is that they, much more than the empirical sciences, have retained a multilingual alignment, which digital scholarship ought to, but often fails to take into account. Apart from issues of data-availability and compatibility, a common reason for this is that multilingualism is challenging on a technical level.

In this contribution, we explore one technical solution to this problem. We describe how we use a pipeline of pre-training and alignement-schemes to produce a multilingual language model (philroBERTa) fine-tuned on roughly three hundred-thousand philosophical texts from the 20th and 21st century. We discuss how we can evaluate the quality of this language model and explore what the structure of philosophy it encodes looks like. Finally, we put the model into service to investigate the relationship between analytical and Continental philosophy. While still in an exploratory stage, we can show how models of this kind can be used to answer recuring questions about disciplinary structure, e. g. whether the analytical/Continental-divide has been closing up over the last few decades, or whether it remains stable.


Mi/Wed · 09.11.2021 · 18:15–19:45
