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(primary) cell culture lab 114.5

virus lab 114.6

cell culture lab 114.7

cell culture lab 115

cell culture lab 115.5

bacterial lab 115.6

Detailed information and protocols how to use OpenIris you find here.


  • All users must gain permission to work in the Biolabs and access to the “Zellbio-users” network drive by attending the Biosafety instructions (--> Katharina Achazi)
  • All users must get an introduction to the device by the responsible person (see OpenIRIS)
  • Booking via OpenIRIS (protocls see here)
  • DO NOT use solvents or other evaporating hazardous substances or gases inside the biosafety cabinet as they are no fume hoods and the HEPA-filtered air is circulating back in the room
  • DO NOT work with bacteria or viruses in the cell culture benches → for handling bacteria contact Elisa Quaasuse only benches in 115.6
  • Biosafety cabinets must be cleaned once a month with water and soap and wiped afterwards with desinfectant acccotding to the hygiene guide
  • Biosafety cabinets need to be tested by an authorized service once a year
