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Upcoming Meetings:

 - online via Webex - 5 pm

- University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)

- University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)

 - University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)

 - University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)

 - University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)



-online via Webex - 5 pm



Please add meetings notes above the previous meeting on this page and use "Header 1" to make it appear in this contet list.

For previous meetings, visit 2019 Community Meetings

Meeting June 4, 2020


Moderation: Dirk 

Attending: Dirk

Minutes: Dirk

OSWG BUA Public Event Update

  • Stefan Skupien has been confirmed as speaker for July 2nd 5 pm on WebEx.
  • Stefan Skupien asks for any interesting reading on open science.

Berlin - Oxford Open Research Summer School  2020  Update

  • The summer school will take place in an online format at the originally scheduled dates.


  • BMBF Project des Open Access Büro

Meeting Notes March 5 2020

Moderation: Dirk

Attending: Anne, Agnieszka

Minutes: Dirk

Rooms for public event in May

  • For one public event dates, there is no room yet.
  • Dirk will try to get a Holzlaube room for May 7th

Public Event April 2nd 2020 (Seminarzentrum, Room L116)

  • Details of the event are available on its WikiPage.
  • There will be at least three speakers (Makarova, Peter, Eckhold) reporting on open research and education practices
  • Invitationemails via the OSWG email list should be distributed further by all members of the OSWG.
  • Agnieska is primarily in charge of this event

Public Event May 7th 2020 (Room TBC)

  • Dr. Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra will be the speaker on May 7th
  • She likes the idea of a collaborative exchange format
  • Cosima is primarily in charge of this event. 

Public Event July 2nd 2020 (Seminarzentrum, Room L116))

  • The steering committee of the BUA Objective 3: Advancing research quality and value (Gründler, Dirnagl, Reinhart, Hauswirth) is very happy to present BUA's Open Research plans at this public event.
  • Most likely, the administrative person in charge, who should be hired by April will be the speaker
  • Dirk is primarily in charge of this event.
  • Dirk will contact the steering committee again in April to finalize the planning.
  • More information on the BUA-related Open Research activities can be found at the BUA website  and in the BUA proposal.  

Berlin-Oxford Open Research Summer School 2020 Update

  • The current state of the summer school organisation was discussed.
  • Information relating to the current state of affairs can be found in the organisatory notebook.
  • The FUB library is happy to contribute to the summer school with a workshop.

Time slot conflicht with "Digital Humanities im Gespräch"

  • Postponed

Meeting Notes February 6 2020

Moderation: Dirk

Attending: Anne, Theresa, Cosima, Agnieszka, Christina

Minutes: Christina

Open Science Mooc (Julien)

  • Are you looking for a person or an institution to help out?
  • Have you looked at FOSTER for hosting?
  • Julien, please specify & tell us what you need

Contact Dr. Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra (Cosima)

  • she is Open Science Officer at DARIAH-EU
  • Research Data & European Open Science Cloud
  • Digital Humanities
  • possible speaker or part of event
  • we all think it's a great idea to involve her!

Feedback community website

  •  The profiles are fixed, but there's not very many people - please send your info to Agnieszka
  •  Reminder mail: Agniezska sends a reminder to the list asking for info and picture
  •  Agnieszka will build a "Events" section based off of the CMS template
  •  Agnieszka and Joachim will keep an eye on updating the website and exporting the events to other calendars

Changes in Wiki structures

  • We all agree that it's a great idea to have the meeting notes on one page (this one) and we add the latest meetings on top

Open Science Lunch

  • The MPI für Bildungsforschung has an Open Science Lunch (mainly psychology / neurology) - is it open for everyone? Dirk will ask them if we can join.
  • Julien hosts the Berlin Open Science meetup Lunch
  • We won't do one of our own any time soon - Christina will take it off the wiki

2020 Event planning

  • Venues: Christina reserves space in the Seminarzentrum

  •  Best Practices of OS (at FU) April 2, 2020
  •  we are looking for someone to take charge for an event
  •  format: 3-5 short lectures
  •  There are several ideas in the air for possible speakers, e.g. Olga (confirmed), Sabina (and/or Kathrin Ganz) (confirmed), Malte (requested), Sascha (requested), Simon (unable to attend on this date; however generally interested in preseting his project)
  •  Agnieszka will ask them if they a) would be willing to speak and b) are willing to take charge of the event

  • Erszebet / Digital Humanities
  • Cosima contacts Erszebet for May
  • To introduce DH into our OS community
  • To talk about her role as OS office within DARIAH
  • Addition: How do other people/institutions implement OS?

  • BUA: What role does Open Science play?
  • We want B. Gründler & U. Toelch for an event, possibly in June/July
  • TO DO: Dirk talks to Claudia about general idea - details of organization can be delegated to someone else - until February 28

  • OER: ask Sascha when/what he wants to do.

To discuss next time

  • Change time slot not to conflict with "Digital Humanities im Gespräch"
Agenda for the next meeting Febarury 6 2020

Meeting Notes January 9 2020


  • Christina Riesenweber (moderation & minutes)
  • Agnieszka Wenninger
  • Martin Lee
  • Esther Asef
  • Benjamin Paffhausen
  • Viola Taylor
  • Anne-Kathrin Brandau
  • Teresa Bolzenkötter
  • Sascha Eckhold
  • Sabina Garcia Peter
  • Malte Henningsen

When: 5-7p, Where: University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)

What role do Open Eductional Ressources play for the group?

  • Sascha Eckholt is joining the group, his focus is OER
  • OER is a part of Open Research/Science/Scholarship!
  • There does not seem to be much OER activity at FU (but it's so easy)
  • HBZ has a systematic OER hub
  • We could invite a prominent actor / advocate for OER that we could invite to promote the topic
  • MvBZ for Gender Studies is very interested in the topic
  • Nikolas Eisentraut: Open Handbook & Case book for students
  • "Support für die Lehre" could play a part in an OER related event
  • possible format: keynote + practice examples of FU
  • DIPF?
  • OSI project Memucho - nominated for OER award 2017
  • Toolbox gender & diversity in der Lehre
  • OER map - can be used to find speakers & OER atlas
  • Sascha collects first ideas for an event - we are aiming at Q2

OSWG events in 2020

In order to build a community, we want to organize several events this year. Let's aim at 2 events in summer term & at least 1 in winter (in addition to BerOx Summer School)

Everything related to the events should be collected here: Events

  1. OER related event -Sascha collects first ideas for an event - we are aiming at Q2
  2. Berlin University Alliance - Information Event - What does BUA mean for Open Science?
    • Debate with important actors on a high level
    • Connect actors with community
    • Ulrich Dirnagl - invite as speaker
    • ask people from the Präsidien?
    • invite people from all Berlin universities
    • we are aiming at Q2
    • wait for input from Claudia
  3. Open Science / Research best practices at FU
    • similar to the 2019 format
    • everyone collects ideas and possible speakers here: Events
  4. "Concepts of Open Science & Open Research"? - interdisciplinary perspectives - & Open Scholarship
    • similar to the 2019 format
    • everybody researches their field for possible speakers here: Events


News from Berlin University Alliance

Best Practice Examples in the field of Open Science

Everyone take a look at those (we didn't discuss them in the meeting)

Further activites for the OSWG

  • Let's start a cureated reading list for Open Science! - Esther makes a start!
  • Let's start a curated list of Open Science tools! - Esther makes a start!
    • For Text — please add
    • forTEXT — in German! Descriptions and tutorials for digital methods and tools and resources with focus on textual materials and Digital Humanities. Usually updated a few times a month - good Twitter as well!
    • List provided by Julien (thanks!), the ones I use an recommend I listed with a comment down below. Feel free to add the others with your impressions as well – Esther
      • Zotero - tool to manage bibliographic data and related research materials and makes citing of sources neat and tidy. You can manage your library alone or together with your project, you can add notes etc., you can share your library with others (free alternative to Citavi and Endnote)
      • Zenodo- Repository for publishing research data/powerpoints/Git repositories etc. easy to use, funded by CERN (so trustworthy) and widely used already. Published materials get an citable DOI
        • just as a reminder: we have a local repository for publications, data etc. at Freie Universität: Refubium
      • ORCID - free personal research ID: connect all your research with one ID
      • draw and share diagrams, has many templates

Events and Conferences 2020

Which Open Science related events do we know about and are planning on attending or recommend attendance?

  • Events and Conferences 2020Open Science Days (March, Berlin)
  • Open Science Barcamp (March, Berlin)
  • Open Science Conference (March, Berlin)
  • Berlin Oxford Open Research Summer School 28.9. - 2.10.2020 Freie Universität Berlin, Holzlaube (this will be Dirk's main OS activity 2020).
  • OER conference & OER barcamp
  • there are more Open Science Barcamps (in Köln, among others)
  • there will be CeDiS workshops with Open Science elements using Open Tools, e.g. Jupyter Notebooks, R - cf. CeDiS Fortbildungsprogramm
  • Open Research Engineer conference
  • Force11 - Force20 - St. Sebastian
  • Open-Access-Tage, Bielefeld
  • SIPS - Society for Improving Psychological Sciences (July, Canada) Website - any change requests?

OSWG Website

We didn't discuss the Website in detail. Please everybody take a look and log their change requests.

Agnieszka & Joachim are in charge and will check this site for updates, please everyone add their request or send via email until January 23rd.

    • It would be nice if the personal profiles on the Community page could be harmonized (pictures and occupations for all, removal of non-members on the bottom (e.g. Alexander von Lautz))
  • Next Meeting February 6th Christina Riesenweber sends reminder & finds an organizer
  • Christina books rooms for the first Thursday every months