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{en} In our research colloquium we present and discuss projects from the field of Digital Humanities: bachelor and master theses, research and infrastructure projects. The get-togethers take place bi-weekly in presence (room KL 29/207) and via Webex stream and are open to external participants. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer ( This semester, the seminar is co-organised by Julia Jennifer Beine. See also the FU course catalog:

Webex-Link für die hybriden Veranstaltungen / Webex link for hybrid events:


Semesterplan / Schedule

Do/Thu · 19.10.2023 · 12:15–13:45 (Berlin time)


Do/Thu · 30.11.2023 · 12:15–13:45 (Berlin time)

Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (Universität Rostock): »Annotation und Analyse narrativen Raums in lateinamerikanischen Romanen des 19. Jahrhunderts« (Vortrag per Webex, Folien).


Andrea Beyer und Konstantin Schulz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): »NLP-Infrastruktur für die Klassische Philologie« (Vortrag per Webex: Link siehe obenFolien).

Do/Thu · 25.01.2024 · 12:15–13:45 (Berlin time)


Do/Thu · 08.02.2024 · 12:15–13:45 (Berlin time)

Charlotte Panušková (Charles University): »Topic Modelling of Contemporary Czech Novels«»Top2Vec as a Tool for Topic Identification in Fiction. A Study on Contemporary Czech Prose« (slides).
