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{de} Im Forschungskolloquium werden internationale Projekte aus dem Bereich der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften vorgestellt. Diese reichen von konkreten Forschungs- bis hin zu Infrastrukturprojekten. Die Veranstaltung ist offen für externe Teilnehmer*innen. Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer (

{en} This research colloquium presents international Digital Humanities projects, ranging from concrete research to infrastructure projects. The event is open to external participants. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer (


Semesterplan / Schedule

Do/Thu · 28.04.2022 · 16:15–17:45 (Berlin time)

N.N.: »[Title]«

Description to follow.

Do/Thu · 12.05.2022 · 16:15–17:45 (Berlin time)

Silvia Gutiérrez (Universität Leipzig): »Untold tales: Trends in Literary Studies PhD research in Germany«

Despite the job market for academia (#IchBinHanna) many of us are still writing a PhD. This professional right of passage started in the 19th century in Berlin (despite many controversies) and has remained fairly unchallenged in the following centuries. But what do PhD students write about? How varied or canonical is our research, and what can we learn from looking at the patterns computers can help us find? In this talk I hope to share the findings of text mining more than one thousand dissertations presented in German universities in the past 20 years as well as some visualizations of dissertations metadata from the German National Library. My aim is to spark a conversation about what this data tells us and how we could use this map of travelled paths to seek for the untold tales in research.

Do/Thu · 09.06.2022 · 16:15–17:45 (Berlin time)

N.N.: »[Title]«

Description to follow.

Do/Thu · 23.06.2022 · 16:15–17:45 (Berlin time)

Tinghui Duan (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena): »Romantic Code — eine computerlinguistische Modellierung der deutschen literarischen Romantik«

Description to follow.

Do/Thu · 07.07.2022 · 16:15–17:45 (Berlin time)

Mareike Schumacher (TU Darmstadt): »Von der Phänomenologie zum maschinellen Lernen – Wie narrative Raumdarstellung messbar gemacht werden kann«

Description to follow.

Do/Thu · 21.07.2022 · 16:15–17:45 (Berlin time)

N.N.: »[Title]«

Description to follow.


(Die Veranstaltung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis.)

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