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Agenda February 2023


Open-Research-Activities in Berlin

  • Growing Interest at BUA, FU, Berlin (Bundesland)
  • Open Research Strategie für Berlin: 1/2 person zusätzlich für das OABB, um das auszuarbeiten. Landespolitiker sollen in Diskussionsveranstaltung eingeladen werden.
  • Christina + Sibylle Söring started working on OpenScience Policy 
    • Contents: Commitment to Open Science, a few suggestions for various areas in Open Science (not a strategy)
    • Researchers should participate in a small team 
    • Timeline: by the end of the year,
    • suspected benefit for research proposals that can reference the official policy of the university (similar to open access and FDM policy)
    • OS-Policy needs the ok of Akademischer Senat
  • Stefan points out that departments/professors rather need concrete tips and best practice suggestions/examples
  • Berlin Science Survey (shortly before the evaluation) might help with requirements discovery for Open Science

Introduction working group "Open Science" at the Institute of Geography. 

… new working group


Review 2022

Plans für 2023

Open Science & Feminism

  • Keine Stichwörter