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for SupraFAB Labs including Genetic Engineering Facility 92/14 (S2)

Scientific Personal & Scientific Guests

To get access to the SupraFAB building and the labs, go to the info on the SupraFAB Homepage.
Watch the videos below.
Do not download but watch online as otheriwse errors can occur.Recording of the Biolab & OM Safety Instruction (version: Janury 2024):

  1. Intro & Contact information
  2. Emergencies & Fire Saftey
  3. General Labsafety

  4. Cleanroom Safety (only mandatory, if you want to use the NanoFAB clean room)

  5. Laser Safety (only mandatory, if you want to use laser devcies or lasers e.g. confocal/STED micrscope, MST, flow cytometers, ...)
    Lasers Safety Video to prevent accidents with lasers or devcies using lasers

  6. Biosafety (only mandatory, if you want to use the Biolabs incl. the Optical Microscopy area)
    + The Eppendorf Video Guide to perfecting your pipetting technique (mandatory for everyone who never got a proper micropipetting training)
    Sterile Bench Viedo to know about how to protect youself and your collegues from infection and to protect your samples e.g. cells & bacteria cultures from contamination.

Slides to the Safety Instruction Recordings (see abeove)

Non-scientific Personal 

Additional to the introdcution, an official permission (Erlaubnis) is needed to work in the labs that can be downloaded here:


Only for visitors, that want to see the biolabs or the mcirscopy facilty and DO NOT perferm experimets or other works in the labs or microscopy rooms

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