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Each transmission system operator shall be responsible for:

(a) ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reason­ able demands for the transmission of electricity, operating, maintaining and developing under economic conditions secure, reliable and efficient transmission systems with due regard to the environment;

(b) ensuring adequate means to meet service obligations;

(c) contributing to security of supply through adequate trans­
mission capacity and system reliability;

(d) managing electricity flows on the system, taking into account exchanges with other interconnected systems. To that end, the transmission system operator shall be responsible for ensuring a secure, reliable and efficient electricity system and, in that context, for ensuring the availability of all necessary ancillary services, including those provided by demand response, insofar as such availability is independent from any other transmission system with which its system is interconnected;

(e) providing to the operator of any other system with which its system is interconnected sufficient information to ensure the secure and efficient operation, coordinated development and interoperability of the interconnected system;

(f) ensuring non-discrimination as between system users or classes of system users, particularly in favour of its related undertakings;

(g) providing system users with the information they need for efficient access to the system; and

(h) collecting congestion rents and payments under the inter- transmission system operator compensation mechanism, in compliance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, granting and managing third-party access and giving reasoned explanations when it denies such access, which shall be monitored by the national regulatory authori­ ties; in carrying out their tasks under this Article transmis­ sion system operators shall primarily facilitate market integration.

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