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of 13 July 2009

concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC



Article 1

Subject matter and scope

This Directive establishes common rules for the generation, trans­ mission, distribution and supply of electricity, together with con­ sumer protection provisions, with a view to improving and integrating competitive electricity markets in the Community. It lays down the rules relating to the organisation and functioning of the electricity sector, open access to the market, the criteria and procedures applicable to calls for tenders and the granting of authorisations and the operation of systems. It also lays down universal service obligations and the rights of electricity consum­ ers and clarifies competition requirements.

Article 2


For the purposes of this Directive, the following definitions apply:

1. ‘generation’ means the production of electricity;

2. ‘producer’ means a natural or legal person generating electricity;

3. ‘transmission’ means the transport of electricity on the extra high-voltage and high-voltage interconnected system with a view to its delivery to final customers or to distributors, but does not include supply;

4. ‘transmission system operator’ means a natural or legal per­ son responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the transmission system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity;

5. ‘distribution’ means the transport of electricity on high- voltage, medium-voltage and low-voltage distribution sys­ tems with a view to its delivery to customers, but does not include supply;
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6. ‘distribution system operator’ means a natural or legal per­ son responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the distribution system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the distribution of electricity;

7. ‘customer’ means a wholesale or final customer of electricity;

8. ‘wholesale customer’ means a natural or legal person pur­ chasing electricity for the purpose of resale inside or outside the system where he is established;

9. ‘final customer’ means a customer purchasing electricity for his own use;

10. ‘household customer’ means a customer purchasing electric­ ity for his own household consumption, excluding commer­ cial or professional activities;

11. ‘non-household customer’ means a natural or legal persons purchasing electricity which is not for their own household use and includes producers and wholesale customers;

12. ‘eligible customer’ means a customer who is free to purchase electricity from the supplier of his choice within the mean­ ing of Article 33;

13. ‘interconnector’ means equipment used to link electricity systems;

14. ‘interconnected system’ means a number of transmission and distribution systems linked together by means of one or more interconnectors;

15. ‘direct line’ means either an electricity line linking an isolated generation site with an isolated customer or an electricity line linking an electricity producer and an electricity supply undertaking to supply directly their own premises, subsidiar­ ies and eligible customers;

16. ‘economic precedence’ means the ranking of sources of elec­
tricity supply in accordance with economic criteria;

17. ‘ancillary service’ means a service necessary for the operation of a transmission or distribution system;

18. ‘system user’ means a natural or legal person supplying to, or being supplied by, a transmission or distribution system;
21. ‘vertically integrated undertaking’ means an electricity under­ taking or a group of electricity undertakings where the same person or the same persons are entitled, directly or indirectly, to exercise control, and where the undertaking or group of undertakings perform at least one of the functions of trans­ mission or distribution, and at least one of the functions of generation or supply of electricity;

22. ‘related undertaking’ means affiliated undertakings, within the meaning of Article 41 of the Seventh Council Directive
83/349/EEC of 13 June 1983 based on Article 44(2)(g) of the Treaty on consolidated accounts (1), and/or associated undertakings, within the meaning of Article 33(1) of that Directive, and/or undertakings which belong to the same shareholders;

23. ‘horizontally integrated undertaking’ means an undertaking performing at least one of the functions of generation for sale, or transmission, or distribution, or supply of electricity, and another non-electricity activity;

24. ‘tendering procedure’ means the procedure through which planned additional requirements and replacement capacity are covered by supplies from new or existing generating capacity;

25. ‘long-term planning’ means the planning of the need for investment in generation and transmission and distribution capacity on a long-term basis, with a view to meeting the demand of the system for electricity and securing supplies to customers;

26. ‘small isolated system’ means any system with consumption of less than 3 000 GWh in the year 1996, where less than
5 % of annual consumption is obtained through interconnec­
tion with other systems;

27. ‘micro isolated system’ means any system with consumption less than 500 GWh in the year 1996, where there is no con­ nection with other systems;

28. ‘security’ means both security of supply and provision of elec­
tricity, and technical safety;

29. ‘energy efficiency/demand-side management’ means a global or integrated approach aimed at influencing the amount and timing of electricity consumption in order to reduce primary energy consumption and peak loads by giving precedence to investments in energy efficiency measures, or other mea­ sures, such as interruptible supply contracts, over invest­ ments to increase generation capacity, if the former are the most effective and economical option, taking into account the positive environmental impact of reduced energy con­ sumption and the security of supply and distribution cost aspects related to it;
19. ‘supply’ means the sale, including resale, of electricity to

20. ‘integrated electricity undertaking’ means a vertically or hori­
zontally integrated undertaking;
The title of Directive 83/349/EEC has been adjusted to take account of the renumbering of the Articles of the Treaty establishing the Euro­ pean Community in accordance with Article 12 of the Treaty of Amsterdam; the original reference was to Article 54(3)(g).
(1) OJ L 193, 18.7.1983, p. 1.
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30. ‘renewable energy sources’ means renewable non-fossil energy sources (wind, solar, geothermal, wave, tidal, hydro­ power, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases);

31. ‘distributed generation’ means generation plants connected to the distribution system;

32. ‘electricity supply contract’ means a contract for the supply of electricity, but does not include an electricity derivative;

33. ‘electricity derivative’ means a financial instrument specified in points 5, 6 or 7 of Section C of Annex I to Directive
2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments (1), where that instrument relates to electricity;

34. ‘control’ means rights, contracts or any other means which, either separately or in combination and having regard to the considerations of fact or law involved, confer the possibility of exercising decisive influence on an undertaking, in particu­ lar by:

(a) ownership or the right to use all or part of the assets of an undertaking;

(b) rights or contracts which confer decisive influence on the composition, voting or decisions of the organs of an undertaking;

35. ‘electricity undertaking’ means any natural or legal person carrying out at least one of the following functions: genera­ tion, transmission, distribution, supply, or purchase of elec­ tricity, which is responsible for the commercial, technical or maintenance tasks related to those functions, but does not include final customers.



Article 3

Public service obligations and customer protection

1. Member States shall ensure, on the basis of their institu­ tional organisation and with due regard to the principle of sub­ sidiarity, that, without prejudice to paragraph 2, electricity undertakings are operated in accordance with the principles of this Directive with a view to achieving a competitive, secure and environmentally sustainable market in electricity, and shall not discriminate between those undertakings as regards either rights or obligations.

(1) OJ L 145, 30.4.2004, p. 1.
2. Having full regard to the relevant provisions of the Treaty, in particular Article 86 thereof, Member States may impose on undertakings operating in the electricity sector, in the general eco­ nomic interest, public service obligations which may relate to security, including security of supply, regularity, quality and price of supplies and environmental protection, including energy effi­ ciency, energy from renewable sources and climate protection. Such obligations shall be clearly defined, transparent, non- discriminatory, verifiable and shall guarantee equality of access for electricity undertakings of the Community to national consum­ ers. In relation to security of supply, energy efficiency/demand- side management and for the fulfilment of environmental goals and goals for energy from renewable sources, as referred to in this paragraph, Member States may introduce the implementation of long-term planning, taking into account the possibility of third parties seeking access to the system.

3. Member States shall ensure that all household customers, and, where Member States deem it appropriate, small enterprises (namely enterprises with fewer than 50 occupied persons and an annual turnover or balance sheet not exceeding EUR 10 million), enjoy universal service, that is the right to be supplied with elec­ tricity of a specified quality within their territory at reasonable, easily and clearly comparable, transparent and non- discriminatory prices. To ensure the provision of universal ser­ vice, Member States may appoint a supplier of last resort. Member States shall impose on distribution companies an obligation to connect customers to their network under terms, conditions and tariffs set in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 37(6). Nothing in this Directive shall prevent Member States from strengthening the market position of the household, small and medium-sized consumers by promoting the possibili­ ties of voluntary aggregation of representation for that class of consumers.

The first subparagraph shall be implemented in a transparent and non-discriminatory way and shall not impede the opening of the market provided for in Article 33.

4. Member States shall ensure that all customers are entitled to have their electricity provided by a supplier, subject to the sup­ plier’s agreement, regardless of the Member State in which the supplier is registered, as long as the supplier follows the applicable trading and balancing rules. In this regard, Member States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that administrative proce­ dures do not discriminate against supply undertakings already registered in another Member State.

5. Member States shall ensure that:

(a) where a customer, while respecting contractual conditions, wishes to change supplier, the change is effected by the operator(s) concerned within three weeks; and

(b) customers are entitled to receive all relevant consumption data.

Member States shall ensure that the rights referred to in points (a) and (b) are granted to customers in a non-discriminatory manner as regards cost, effort or time.
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6. Where financial compensation, other forms of compensa­ tion and exclusive rights which a Member State grants for the ful­ filment of the obligations set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 are provided, this shall be done in a non-discriminatory and trans­ parent way.

7. Member States shall take appropriate measures to protect final customers, and shall, in particular, ensure that there are adequate safeguards to protect vulnerable customers. In this con­ text, each Member State shall define the concept of vulnerable customers which may refer to energy poverty and, inter alia, to the prohibition of disconnection of electricity to such customers in critical times. Member States shall ensure that rights and obli­ gations linked to vulnerable customers are applied. In particular, they shall take measures to protect final customers in remote areas. They shall ensure high levels of consumer protection, par­ ticularly with respect to transparency regarding contractual terms and conditions, general information and dispute settlement mechanisms. Member States shall ensure that the eligible cus­ tomer is in fact able easily to switch to a new supplier. As regards at least household customers, those measures shall include those set out in Annex I.

8. Member States shall take appropriate measures, such as for­ mulating national energy action plans, providing benefits in social security systems to ensure the necessary electricity supply to vul­ nerable customers, or providing for support for energy efficiency improvements, to address energy poverty where identified, includ­ ing in the broader context of poverty. Such measures shall not impede the effective opening of the market set out in Article 33 or market functioning and shall be notified to the Commission, where relevant, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 15 of this Article. Such notification may also include measures taken within the general social security system.

9. Member States shall ensure that electricity suppliers specify in or with the bills and in promotional materials made available to final customers:

(a) the contribution of each energy source to the overall fuel mix of the supplier over the preceding year in a comprehensible and, at a national level, clearly comparable manner;

(b) at least the reference to existing reference sources, such as web pages, where information on the environmental impact, in terms of at least CO2 emissions and the radioactive waste resulting from the electricity produced by the overall fuel mix of the supplier over the preceding year is publicly available;

(c) information concerning their rights as regards the means of dispute settlement available to them in the event of a dispute.

As regards points (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph with respect to electricity obtained via an electricity exchange or imported from an undertaking situated outside the Community, aggregate figures provided by the exchange or the undertaking in question over the preceding year may be used.
The regulatory authority or another competent national author­ ity shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the information provided by suppliers to their customers pursuant to this Article is reliable and is provided, at a national level, in a clearly compa­ rable manner.

10. Member States shall implement measures to achieve the objectives of social and economic cohesion and environmental protection, which shall include energy efficiency/demand-side management measures and means to combat climate change, and security of supply, where appropriate. Such measures may include, in particular, the provision of adequate economic incen­ tives, using, where appropriate, all existing national and Commu­ nity tools, for the maintenance and construction of the necessary network infrastructure, including interconnection capacity.

11. In order to promote energy efficiency, Member States or, where a Member State has so provided, the regulatory authority shall strongly recommend that electricity undertakings optimise the use of electricity, for example by providing energy manage­ ment services, developing innovative pricing formulas, or intro­ ducing intelligent metering systems or smart grids, where appropriate.

12. Member States shall ensure the provision of single points of contact to provide consumers with all necessary information concerning their rights, current legislation and the means of dis­ pute settlement available to them in the event of a dispute. Such contact points may be part of general consumer information points.

13. Member States shall ensure that an independent mecha­ nism such as an energy ombudsman or a consumer body is in place in order to ensure efficient treatment of complaints and out- of-court dispute settlements.

14. Member States may decide not to apply the provisions of Articles 7, 8, 32 and/or 34 insofar as their application would obstruct the performance, in law or in fact, of the obligations imposed on electricity undertakings in the general economic interest and insofar as the development of trade would not be affected to such an extent as would be contrary to the interests of the Community. The interests of the Community include, inter alia, competition with regard to eligible customers in accordance with this Directive and Article 86 of the Treaty.

15. Member States shall, upon implementation of this Direc­ tive, inform the Commission of all measures adopted to fulfil uni­ versal service and public service obligations, including consumer protection and environmental protection, and their possible effect on national and international competition, whether or not such measures require a derogation from this Directive. They shall inform the Commission subsequently every two years of any changes to such measures, whether or not they require a deroga­ tion from this Directive.
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16. The Commission shall establish, in consultation with rel­ evant stakeholders including Member States, the national regula­ tory authorities, consumer organisations, electricity undertakings and, building on the progress achieved to date, social partners, a clear and concise energy consumer checklist of practical informa­ tion relating to energy consumer rights. Member States shall ensure that electricity suppliers or distribution system operators, in cooperation with the regulatory authority, take the necessary steps to provide their consumers with a copy of the energy con­ sumer checklist and ensure that it is made publicly available.

Article 4

Monitoring of security of supply

Member States shall ensure the monitoring of security of supply issues. Where Member States consider it appropriate, they may delegate that task to the regulatory authorities referred to in Article 35. Such monitoring shall, in particular, cover the balance of supply and demand on the national market, the level of expected future demand and envisaged additional capacity being planned or under construction, and the quality and level of main­ tenance of the networks, as well as measures to cover peak demand and to deal with shortfalls of one or more suppliers. The competent authorities shall publish every two years, by 31 July, a report outlining the findings resulting from the monitoring of those issues, as well as any measures taken or envisaged to address them and shall forward that report to the Commission forthwith.

Article 5

Technical rules

The regulatory authorities where Member States have so provided or Member States shall ensure that technical safety criteria are defined and that technical rules establishing the minimum tech­ nical design and operational requirements for the connection to the system of generating installations, distribution systems, directly connected consumers’ equipment, interconnector circuits and direct lines are developed and made public. Those technical rules shall ensure the interoperability of systems and shall be objective and non-discriminatory. The Agency may make appro­ priate recommendations towards achieving compatibility of those rules, where appropriate. Those rules shall be notified to the Com­ mission in accordance with Article 8 of Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services (1).

Article 6

Promotion of regional cooperation

1. Member States as well as the regulatory authorities shall cooperate with each other for the purpose of integrating their national markets at one or more regional levels, as a first step towards the creation of a fully liberalised internal market. In par­ ticular, the regulatory authorities where Member States have so

(1) OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37.
provided or Member States shall promote and facilitate the coop­ eration of transmission system operators at a regional level, including on cross-border issues, with the aim of creating a com­ petitive internal market in electricity, foster the consistency of their legal, regulatory and technical framework and facilitate inte­ gration of the isolated systems forming electricity islands that per­ sist in the Community. The geographical areas covered by such regional cooperation shall include cooperation in geographical areas defined in accordance with Article 12(3) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009. Such cooperation may cover other geographical areas.

2. The Agency shall cooperate with national regulatory authorities and transmission system operators to ensure the com­ patibility of regulatory frameworks between the regions with the aim of creating a competitive internal market in electricity. Where the Agency considers that binding rules on such cooperation are required, it shall make appropriate recommendations.

3. Member States shall ensure, through the implementation of this Directive, that transmission system operators have one or more integrated system(s) at regional level covering two or more Member States for capacity allocation and for checking the secu­ rity of the network.

4. Where vertically integrated transmission system operators participate in a joint undertaking established for implementing such cooperation, the joint undertaking shall establish and imple­ ment a compliance programme which sets out the measures to be taken to ensure that discriminatory and anticompetitive conduct is excluded. That compliance programme shall set out the specific obligations of employees to meet the objective of excluding dis­ criminatory and anticompetitive conduct. It shall be subject to the approval of the Agency. Compliance with the programme shall be independently monitored by the compliance officers of the verti­ cally integrated transmission system operators.



Article 7

Authorisation procedure for new capacity

1. For the construction of new generating capacity, Member States shall adopt an authorisation procedure, which shall be con­ ducted in accordance with objective, transparent and non- discriminatory criteria.

2. Member States shall lay down the criteria for the grant of authorisations for the construction of generating capacity in their territory. In determining appropriate criteria, Member States shall consider:

(a) the safety and security of the electricity system, installations and associated equipment;
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(b) the protection of public health and safety; (c) the protection of the environment;
(d) land use and siting;

(e) the use of public ground; (f) energy efficiency;
(g) the nature of the primary sources;

(h) the characteristics particular to the applicant, such as techni­
cal, economic and financial capabilities;

compliance with measures adopted pursuant to Article 3;

(j) the contribution of the generating capacity to meeting the overall Community target of at least a 20 % share of energy from renewable sources in the Community’s gross final con­ sumption of energy in 2020 referred to in Article 3(1) of Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (1); and

(k) the contribution of generating capacity to reducing emissions.

3. Member States shall ensure that specific authorisation pro­ cedures exist for small decentralised and/or distributed generation, which take into account their limited size and potential impact.

Member States may set guidelines for that specific authorisation procedure. National regulatory authorities or other competent national authorities including planning authorities shall review those guidelines and may recommend amendments thereto.

Where Member States have established particular land use permit procedures applying to major new infrastructure projects in gen­ eration capacity, Member States shall, where appropriate, include the construction of new generation capacity within the scope of those procedures and shall implement them in a non- discriminatory manner and within an appropriate time-frame.

4. The authorisation procedures and criteria shall be made public. Applicants shall be informed of the reasons for any refusal to grant an authorisation. Those reasons shall be objective, non- discriminatory, well-founded and duly substantiated. Appeal pro­ cedures shall be made available to the applicant.

Article 8

Tendering for new capacity

1. Member States shall ensure the possibility, in the interests of security of supply, of providing for new capacity or energy

(1) OJ L 140, 5.6.2009, p. 16.
efficiency/demand-side management measures through a tender­ ing procedure or any procedure equivalent in terms of transpar­ ency and non-discrimination, on the basis of published criteria. Those procedures may, however, be launched only where, on the basis of the authorisation procedure, the generating capacity to be built or the energy efficiency/demand-side management measures to be taken are insufficient to ensure security of supply.

2. Member States may ensure the possibility, in the interests of environmental protection and the promotion of infant new tech­ nologies, of tendering for new capacity on the basis of published criteria. Such tendering may relate to new capacity or to energy efficiency/demand-side management measures. A tendering pro­ cedure may, however, be launched only where, on the basis of the authorisation procedure the generating capacity to be built or the measures to be taken, are insufficient to achieve those objectives.

3. Details of the tendering procedure for means of generating capacity and energy efficiency/demand-side management mea­ sures shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union at least six months prior to the closing date for tenders.

The tender specifications shall be made available to any interested undertaking established in the territory of a Member State so that it has sufficient time in which to submit a tender.

With a view to ensuring transparency and non-discrimination, the tender specifications shall contain a detailed description of the contract specifications and of the procedure to be followed by all tenderers and an exhaustive list of criteria governing the selection of tenderers and the award of the contract, including incentives, such as subsidies, which are covered by the tender. Those speci­ fications may also relate to the fields referred to in Article 7(2).

4. In invitations to tender for the requisite generating capac­ ity, consideration must also be given to electricity supply offers with long-term guarantees from existing generating units, pro­ vided that additional requirements can be met in this way.

5. Member States shall designate an authority or a public or private body independent from electricity generation, transmis­ sion, distribution and supply activities, which may be a regula­ tory authority referred to in Article 35(1), to be responsible for the organisation, monitoring and control of the tendering proce­ dure referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article. Where a transmission system operator is fully independent from other activities not relating to the transmission system in ownership terms, the transmission system operator may be designated as the body responsible for organising, monitoring and controlling the tendering procedure. That authority or body shall take all neces­ sary steps to ensure confidentiality of the information contained in the tenders.
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concerning common rules for the internal market in natural
gas (1), and the terms ‘transmission system operator’ and ‘trans­

Article 9

Unbundling of transmission systems and transmission system operators

1. Member States shall ensure that from 3 March 2012:

(a) each undertaking which owns a transmission system acts as a transmission system operator;

(b) the same person or persons are entitled neither:

directly or indirectly to exercise control over an under­ taking performing any of the functions of generation or supply, and directly or indirectly to exercise control or exercise any right over a transmission system operator or over a transmission system; nor

(ii) directly or indirectly to exercise control over a transmis­ sion system operator or over a transmission system, and directly or indirectly to exercise control or exercise any right over an undertaking performing any of the func­ tions of generation or supply;

(c) the same person or persons are not entitled to appoint mem­ bers of the supervisory board, the administrative board or bodies legally representing the undertaking, of a transmission system operator or a transmission system, and directly or indirectly to exercise control or exercise any right over an undertaking performing any of the functions of generation or supply; and

(d) the same person is not entitled to be a member of the super­ visory board, the administrative board or bodies legally rep­ resenting the undertaking, of both an undertaking performing any of the functions of generation or supply and a transmission system operator or a transmission system.

2. The rights referred to in points (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 shall include, in particular:

(a) the power to exercise voting rights;

(b) the power to appoint members of the supervisory board, the administrative board or bodies legally representing the under­ taking; or

(c) the holding of a majority share.

3. For the purpose of paragraph 1(b), the notion ‘undertaking performing any of the functions of generation or supply’ shall include ‘undertaking performing any of the functions of produc­
mission system’ shall include ‘transmission system operator’ and
‘transmission system’ within the meaning of that Directive.

4. Member States may allow for derogations from points (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 until 3 March 2013, provided that trans­ mission system operators are not part of a vertically integrated undertaking.

5. The obligation set out in paragraph 1(a) shall be deemed to be fulfilled in a situation where two or more undertakings which own transmission systems have created a joint venture which acts as a transmission system operator in two or more Member States for the transmission systems concerned. No other undertaking may be part of the joint venture, unless it has been approved under Article 13 as an independent system operator or as an inde­ pendent transmission operator for the purposes of Chapter V.

6. For the implementation of this Article, where the person referred to in points (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 1 is the Member State or another public body, two separate public bodies exercis­ ing control over a transmission system operator or over a trans­ mission system on the one hand, and over an undertaking performing any of the functions of generation or supply on the other, shall be deemed not to be the same person or persons.

7. Member States shall ensure that neither commercially sen­ sitive information referred to in Article 16 held by a transmission system operator which was part of a vertically integrated under­ taking, nor the staff of such a transmission system operator, is transferred to undertakings performing any of the functions of generation and supply.

8. Where on 3 September 2009, the transmission system belongs to a vertically integrated undertaking a Member State may decide not to apply paragraph 1.

In such case, the Member State concerned shall either:

(a) designate an independent system operator in accordance with Article 13; or

(b) comply with the provisions of Chapter V.

9. Where, on 3 September 2009, the transmission system belongs to a vertically integrated undertaking and there are arrangements in place which guarantee more effective indepen­ dence of the transmission system operator than the provisions of Chapter V, a Member State may decide not to apply paragraph 1.

10. Before an undertaking is approved and designated as a transmission system operator under paragraph 9 of this Article, it shall be certified according to the procedures laid down in Article 10(4), (5) and (6) of this Directive and in Article 3 of Regu­ lation (EC) No 714/2009, pursuant to which the Commission shall verify that the arrangements in place clearly guarantee more effective independence of the transmission system operator than the provisions of Chapter V.
tion and supply’ within the meaning of Directive 2009/73/EC of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009
(1) See page 94 of this Official Journal.
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11. Vertically integrated undertakings which own a transmis­ sion system shall not in any event be prevented from taking steps to comply with paragraph 1.

12. Undertakings performing any of the functions of genera­ tion or supply shall not in any event be able to directly or indi­ rectly take control over or exercise any right over unbundled transmission system operators in Member States which apply paragraph 1.

Article 10

Designation and certification of transmission system operators

1. Before an undertaking is approved and designated as trans­ mission system operator, it shall be certified according to the pro­ cedures laid down in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of this Article and in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009.

2. Undertakings which own a transmission system and which have been certified by the national regulatory authority as having complied with the requirements of Article 9, pursuant to the cer­ tification procedure below, shall be approved and designated as transmission system operators by Member States. The designation of transmission system operators shall be notified to the Commis­ sion and published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

3. Transmission system operators shall notify to the regulatory authority any planned transaction which may require a reassess­ ment of their compliance with the requirements of Article 9.

4. Regulatory authorities shall monitor the continuing com­ pliance of transmission system operators with the requirements of Article 9. They shall open a certification procedure to ensure such compliance:

(a) upon notification by the transmission system operator pur­
suant to paragraph 3;

(b) on their own initiative where they have knowledge that a planned change in rights or influence over transmission sys­ tem owners or transmission system operators may lead to an infringement of Article 9, or where they have reason to believe that such an infringement may have occurred; or

(c) upon a reasoned request from the Commission.

5. The regulatory authorities shall adopt a decision on the cer­ tification of a transmission system operator within a period of four months from the date of the notification by the transmission system operator or from the date of the Commission request. After expiry of that period, the certification shall be deemed to be granted. The explicit or tacit decision of the regulatory authority shall become effective only after the conclusion of the procedure set out in paragraph 6.
6. The explicit or tacit decision on the certification of a trans­ mission system operator shall be notified without delay to the Commission by the regulatory authority, together with all the rel­ evant information with respect to that decision. The Commission shall act in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009.

7. The regulatory authorities and the Commission may request from transmission system operators and undertakings perform­ ing any of the functions of generation or supply any information relevant for the fulfilment of their tasks under this Article.

8. Regulatory authorities and the Commission shall preserve the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information.

Article 11

Certification in relation to third countries

1. Where certification is requested by a transmission system owner or a transmission system operator which is controlled by a person or persons from a third country or third countries, the regulatory authority shall notify the Commission.

The regulatory authority shall also notify to the Commission without delay any circumstances that would result in a person or persons from a third country or third countries acquiring control of a transmission system or a transmission system operator.

2. The transmission system operator shall notify to the regu­ latory authority any circumstances that would result in a person or persons from a third country or third countries acquiring con­ trol of the transmission system or the transmission system operator.

3. The regulatory authority shall adopt a draft decision on the certification of a transmission system operator within four months from the date of notification by the transmission system operator. It shall refuse the certification if it has not been demonstrated:

(a) that the entity concerned complies with the requirements of
Article 9; and

(b) to the regulatory authority or to another competent author­ ity designated by the Member State that granting certification will not put at risk the security of energy supply of the Mem­ ber State and the Community. In considering that question the regulatory authority or other competent authority so des­ ignated shall take into account:

the rights and obligations of the Community with respect to that third country arising under international law, including any agreement concluded with one or more third countries to which the Community is a party and which addresses the issues of security of energy supply;
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(ii) the rights and obligations of the Member State with respect to that third country arising under agreements concluded with it, insofar as they are in compliance with Community law; and

(iii) other specific facts and circumstances of the case and the third country concerned.

4. The regulatory authority shall notify the decision to the Commission without delay, together with all the relevant infor­ mation with respect to that decision.

5. Member States shall provide for the regulatory authority or the designated competent authority referred to in paragraph 3(b), before the regulatory authority adopts a decision on the certifica­ tion, to request an opinion from the Commission on whether:

(a) the entity concerned complies with the requirements of
Article 9; and

(b) granting certification will not put at risk the security of energy supply to the Community.

6. The Commission shall examine the request referred to in paragraph 5 as soon as it is received. Within a period of two months after receiving the request, it shall deliver its opinion to the national regulatory authority or, if the request was made by the designated competent authority, to that authority.

In preparing the opinion, the Commission may request the views of the Agency, the Member State concerned, and interested par­ ties. In the event that the Commission makes such a request, the two-month period shall be extended by two months.

In the absence of an opinion by the Commission within the period referred to in the first and second subparagraphs, the Commis­ sion shall be deemed not to raise objections to the decision of the regulatory authority.

7. When assessing whether the control by a person or persons from a third country or third countries will put at risk the secu­ rity of energy supply to the Community, the Commission shall take into account:

(a) the specific facts of the case and the third country or third countries concerned; and

(b) the rights and obligations of the Community with respect to that third country or third countries arising under interna­ tional law, including an agreement concluded with one or more third countries to which the Community is a party and which addresses the issues of security of supply.

8. The national regulatory authority shall, within a period of two months after the expiry of the period referred to in para­ graph 6, adopt its final decision on the certification. In adopting its final decision the national regulatory authority shall take utmost account of the Commission’s opinion. In any event Mem­ ber States shall have the right to refuse certification where grant­ ing certification puts at risk the Member State’s security of energy
supply or the security of energy supply of another Member State. Where the Member State has designated another competent authority to assess paragraph 3(b), it may require the national regulatory authority to adopt its final decision in accordance with the assessment of that competent authority. The national regula­ tory authority’s final decision and the Commission’s opinion shall be published together. Where the final decision diverges from the Commission’s opinion, the Member State concerned shall provide and publish, together with that decision, the reasoning underly­ ing such decision.

9. Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of Member States to exercise, in compliance with Community law, national legal controls to protect legitimate public security interests.

10. The Commission may adopt Guidelines setting out the details of the procedure to be followed for the application of this Article. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential ele­ ments of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 46(2).

11. This Article, with exception of paragraph 3(a), shall also apply to Member States which are subject to a derogation under Article 44.

Article 12

Tasks of transmission system operators

Each transmission system operator shall be responsible for:

(a) ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reason­ able demands for the transmission of electricity, operating, maintaining and developing under economic conditions secure, reliable and efficient transmission systems with due regard to the environment;

(b) ensuring adequate means to meet service obligations;

(c) contributing to security of supply through adequate trans­
mission capacity and system reliability;

(d) managing electricity flows on the system, taking into account exchanges with other interconnected systems. To that end, the transmission system operator shall be responsible for ensuring a secure, reliable and efficient electricity system and, in that context, for ensuring the availability of all necessary ancillary services, including those provided by demand response, insofar as such availability is independent from any other transmission system with which its system is interconnected;

(e) providing to the operator of any other system with which its system is interconnected sufficient information to ensure the secure and efficient operation, coordinated development and interoperability of the interconnected system;
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(f) ensuring non-discrimination as between system users or classes of system users, particularly in favour of its related undertakings;

(g) providing system users with the information they need for efficient access to the system; and

(h) collecting congestion rents and payments under the inter- transmission system operator compensation mechanism, in compliance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, granting and managing third-party access and giving reasoned explanations when it denies such access, which shall be monitored by the national regulatory authori­ ties; in carrying out their tasks under this Article transmis­ sion system operators shall primarily facilitate market integration.

Article 13

Independent system operator

1. Where the transmission system belongs to a vertically inte­ grated undertaking on 3 September 2009, Member States may decide not to apply Article 9(1) and designate an independent sys­ tem operator upon a proposal from the transmission system owner. Such designation shall be subject to approval by the Commission.

2. The Member State may approve and designate an indepen­
dent system operator only where:

(a) the candidate operator has demonstrated that it complies with the requirements of Article 9(1)(b), (c) and (d);

(b) the candidate operator has demonstrated that it has at its dis­ posal the required financial, technical, physical and human resources to carry out its tasks under Article 12;

(c) the candidate operator has undertaken to comply with a ten- year network development plan monitored by the regulatory authority;

(d) the transmission system owner has demonstrated its ability to comply with its obligations under paragraph 5. To that end, it shall provide all the draft contractual arrangements with the candidate undertaking and any other relevant entity; and

(e) the candidate operator has demonstrated its ability to com­ ply with its obligations under Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 including the cooperation of transmission system operators at European and regional level.

3. Undertakings which have been certified by the regulatory authority as having complied with the requirements of Article 11 and paragraph 2 of this Article shall be approved and designated as independent system operators by Member States. The certifi­ cation procedure in either Article 10 of this Directive and Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 or in Article 11 of this Directive shall be applicable.
4. Each independent system operator shall be responsible for granting and managing third-party access, including the collec­ tion of access charges, congestion charges, and payments under the inter-transmission system operator compensation mechanism in compliance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, as well as for operating, maintaining and developing the transmis­ sion system, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demand through investment planning. When developing the transmission system, the independent system operator shall be responsible for planning (including authorisa­ tion procedure), construction and commissioning of the new infrastructure. For this purpose, the independent system operator shall act as a transmission system operator in accordance with this Chapter. The transmission system owner shall not be respon­ sible for granting and managing third-party access, nor for invest­ ment planning.

5. Where an independent system operator has been desig­
nated, the transmission system owner shall:

(a) provide all the relevant cooperation and support to the inde­ pendent system operator for the fulfilment of its tasks, includ­ ing in particular all relevant information;

(b) finance the investments decided by the independent system operator and approved by the regulatory authority, or give its agreement to financing by any interested party including the independent system operator. The relevant financing arrangements shall be subject to approval by the regulatory authority. Prior to such approval, the regulatory authority shall consult the transmission system owner together with the other interested parties;

(c) provide for the coverage of liability relating to the network assets, excluding the liability relating to the tasks of the inde­ pendent system operator; and

(d) provide guarantees to facilitate financing any network expan­ sions with the exception of those investments where, pursu­ ant to point (b), it has given its agreement to financing by any interested party including the independent system operator.

6. In close cooperation with the regulatory authority, the rel­ evant national competition authority shall be granted all relevant powers to effectively monitor compliance of the transmission sys­ tem owner with its obligations under paragraph 5.

Article 14

Unbundling of transmission system owners

1. A transmission system owner, where an independent sys­ tem operator has been appointed, which is part of a vertically integrated undertaking shall be independent at least in terms of its legal form, organisation and decision making from other activi­ ties not relating to transmission.
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2. In order to ensure the independence of the transmission sys­ tem owner referred to in paragraph 1, the following minimum criteria shall apply:

(a) persons responsible for the management of the transmission system owner shall not participate in company structures of the integrated electricity undertaking responsible, directly or indirectly, for the day-to-day operation of the generation, dis­ tribution and supply of electricity;

(b) appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that the pro­ fessional interests of persons responsible for the management of the transmission system owner are taken into account in a manner that ensures that they are capable of acting indepen­ dently; and

(c) the transmission system owner shall establish a compliance programme, which sets out measures taken to ensure that discriminatory conduct is excluded, and ensure that obser­ vance of it is adequately monitored. The compliance pro­ gramme shall set out the specific obligations of employees to meet those objectives. An annual report, setting out the mea­ sures taken, shall be submitted by the person or body respon­ sible for monitoring the compliance programme to the regulatory authority and shall be published.

3. The Commission may adopt Guidelines to ensure full and effective compliance of the transmission system owner with para­ graph 2 of this Article. Those measures, designed to amend non- essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scru­ tiny referred to in Article 46(2).

Article 15

Dispatching and balancing

1. Without prejudice to the supply of electricity on the basis of contractual obligations, including those which derive from the tendering specifications, the transmission system operator shall, where it has such a function, be responsible for dispatching the generating installations in its area and for determining the use of interconnectors with other systems.

2. The dispatching of generating installations and the use of interconnectors shall be determined on the basis of criteria which shall be approved by national regulatory authorities where com­ petent and which must be objective, published and applied in a non-discriminatory manner, ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market in electricity. The criteria shall take into account the economic precedence of electricity from available generating installations or interconnector transfers and the tech­ nical constraints on the system.
3. A Member State shall require system operators to act in accordance with Article 16 of Directive 2009/28/EC when dis­ patching generating installations using renewable energy sources. They also may require the system operator to give priority when dispatching generating installations producing combined heat and power.

4. A Member State may, for reasons of security of supply, direct that priority be given to the dispatch of generating instal­ lations using indigenous primary energy fuel sources, to an extent not exceeding, in any calendar year, 15 % of the overall primary energy necessary to produce the electricity consumed in the Mem­ ber State concerned.

5. The regulatory authorities where Member States have so provided or Member States shall require transmission system operators to comply with minimum standards for the mainte­ nance and development of the transmission system, including interconnection capacity.

6. Transmission system operators shall procure the energy they use to cover energy losses and reserve capacity in their sys­ tem according to transparent, non-discriminatory and market- based procedures, whenever they have such a function.

7. Rules adopted by transmission system operators for balanc­ ing the electricity system shall be objective, transparent and non- discriminatory, including rules for charging system users of their networks for energy imbalance. The terms and conditions, includ­ ing the rules and tariffs, for the provision of such services by transmission system operators shall be established pursuant to a methodology compatible with Article 37(6) in a non- discriminatory and cost-reflective way and shall be published.

Article 16

Confidentiality for transmission system operators and transmission system owners

1. Without prejudice to Article 30 or any other legal duty to disclose information, each transmission system operator and each transmission system owner shall preserve the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information obtained in the course of car­ rying out its activities, and shall prevent information about its own activities which may be commercially advantageous from being disclosed in a discriminatory manner. In particular it shall not disclose any commercially sensitive information to the remaining parts of the undertaking, unless this is necessary for carrying out a business transaction. In order to ensure the full respect of the rules on information unbundling, Member States shall ensure that the transmission system owner and the remain­ ing part of the undertaking do not use joint services, such as joint legal services, apart from purely administrative or IT functions.
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2. Transmission system operators shall not, in the context of sales or purchases of electricity by related undertakings, misuse commercially sensitive information obtained from third parties in the context of providing or negotiating access to the system.

3. Information necessary for effective competition and the effi­ cient functioning of the market shall be made public. That obli­ gation shall be without prejudice to preserving the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information.



Article 17

Assets, equipment, staff and identity

1. Transmission system operators shall be equipped with all human, technical, physical and financial resources necessary for fulfilling their obligations under this Directive and carrying out the activity of electricity transmission, in particular:

(a) assets that are necessary for the activity of electricity trans­ mission, including the transmission system, shall be owned by the transmission system operator;

(b) personnel, necessary for the activity of electricity transmis­ sion, including the performance of all corporate tasks, shall be employed by the transmission system operator;

(c) leasing of personnel and rendering of services, to and from any other parts of the vertically integrated undertaking shall be prohibited. A transmission system operator may, how­ ever, render services to the vertically integrated undertaking as long as:

the provision of those services does not discriminate between system users, is available to all system users on the same terms and conditions and does not restrict, dis­ tort or prevent competition in generation or supply; and

(ii) the terms and conditions of the provision of those ser­
vices are approved by the regulatory authority;

(d) without prejudice to the decisions of the Supervisory Body under Article 20, appropriate financial resources for future investment projects and/or for the replacement of existing assets shall be made available to the transmission system operator in due time by the vertically integrated undertaking following an appropriate request from the transmission sys­ tem operator.
2. The activity of electricity transmission shall include at least the following tasks in addition to those listed in Article 12:

(a) the representation of the transmission system operator and contacts to third parties and the regulatory authorities;

(b) the representation of the transmission system operator within the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO for Electricity);

(c) granting and managing third-party access on a non- discriminatory basis between system users or classes of sys­ tem users;

(d) the collection of all the transmission system related charges including access charges, balancing charges for ancillary ser­ vices such as purchasing of services (balancing costs, energy for losses);

(e) the operation, maintenance and development of a secure, efficient and economic transmission system;

(f) investment planning ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demand and guaranteeing secu­ rity of supply;

(g) the setting up of appropriate joint ventures, including with one or more transmission system operators, power exchanges, and the other relevant actors pursuing the objec­ tives to develop the creation of regional markets or to facili­ tate the liberalisation process; and

(h) all corporate services, including legal services, accountancy and IT services.

3. Transmission system operators shall be organised in a legal form as referred to in Article 1 of Council Directive
68/151/EEC (1).

4. The transmission system operator shall not, in its corporate identity, communication, branding and premises, create confu­ sion in respect of the separate identity of the vertically integrated undertaking or any part thereof.

5. The transmission system operator shall not share IT systems or equipment, physical premises and security access systems with any part of the vertically integrated undertaking nor use the same consultants or external contractors for IT systems or equipment, and security access systems.

6. The accounts of transmission system operators shall be audited by an auditor other than the one auditing the vertically integrated undertaking or any part thereof.

(1) First Council Directive 68/151/EEC of 9 March 1968 on coordination of safeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent throughout the Commu­ nity (OJ L 65, 14.3.1968, p. 8).
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Article 18

Independence of the transmission system operator

1. Without prejudice to the decisions of the Supervisory Body under Article 20, the transmission system operator shall have:

(a) effective decision-making rights, independent from the ver­ tically integrated undertaking, with respect to assets neces­ sary to operate, maintain or develop the transmission system; and

(b) the power to raise money on the capital market in particular through borrowing and capital increase.

2. The transmission system operator shall at all times act so as to ensure it has the resources it needs in order to carry out the activity of transmission properly and efficiently and develop and maintain an efficient, secure and economic transmission system.

3. Subsidiaries of the vertically integrated undertaking per­ forming functions of generation or supply shall not have any direct or indirect shareholding in the transmission system opera­ tor. The transmission system operator shall neither have any direct or indirect shareholding in any subsidiary of the vertically integrated undertaking performing functions of generation or supply, nor receive dividends or any other financial benefit from that subsidiary.

4. The overall management structure and the corporate stat­ utes of the transmission system operator shall ensure effective independence of the transmission system operator in compliance with this Chapter. The vertically integrated undertaking shall not determine, directly or indirectly, the competitive behaviour of the transmission system operator in relation to the day to day activi­ ties of the transmission system operator and management of the network, or in relation to activities necessary for the preparation of the ten-year network development plan developed pursuant to Article 22.

5. In fulfilling their tasks in Article 12 and Article 17(2) of this Directive, and in complying with Articles 14, 15 and 16 of Regu­ lation (EC) No 714/2009, transmission system operators shall not discriminate against different persons or entities and shall not restrict, distort or prevent competition in generation or supply.

6. Any commercial and financial relations between the verti­ cally integrated undertaking and the transmission system opera­ tor, including loans from the transmission system operator to the vertically integrated undertaking, shall comply with market con­ ditions. The transmission system operator shall keep detailed records of such commercial and financial relations and make them available to the regulatory authority upon request.

7. The transmission system operator shall submit for approval by the regulatory authority all commercial and financial agree­ ments with the vertically integrated undertaking.
8. The transmission system operator shall inform the regula­ tory authority of the financial resources, referred to in Article 17(1)(d), available for future investment projects and/or for the replacement of existing assets.

9. The vertically integrated undertaking shall refrain from any action impeding or prejudicing the transmission system operator from complying with its obligations in this Chapter and shall not require the transmission system operator to seek permission from the vertically integrated undertaking in fulfilling those obligations.

10. An undertaking which has been certified by the regulatory authority as being in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter shall be approved and designated as a transmission sys­ tem operator by the Member State concerned. The certification procedure in either Article 10 of this Directive and Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 or in Article 11 of this Directive shall apply.

Article 19

Independence of the staff and the management of the transmission system operator

1. Decisions regarding the appointment and renewal, working conditions including remuneration, and termination of the term of office of the persons responsible for the management and/or members of the administrative bodies of the transmission system operator shall be taken by the Supervisory Body of the transmis­ sion system operator appointed in accordance with Article 20.

2. The identity and the conditions governing the term, the duration and the termination of office of the persons nominated by the Supervisory Body for appointment or renewal as persons responsible for the executive management and/or as members of the administrative bodies of the transmission system operator, and the reasons for any proposed decision terminating such term of office, shall be notified to the regulatory authority. Those con­ ditions and the decisions referred to in paragraph 1 shall become binding only if the regulatory authority has raised no objections within three weeks of notification.

The regulatory authority may object to the decisions referred to in paragraph 1 where:

(a) doubts arise as to the professional independence of a nomi­ nated person responsible for the management and/or mem­ ber of the administrative bodies; or

(b) in the case of premature termination of a term of office, doubts exist regarding the justification of such premature termination.

3. No professional position or responsibility, interest or busi­ ness relationship, directly or indirectly, with the vertically inte­ grated undertaking or any part of it or its controlling shareholders other than the transmission system operator shall be exercised for a period of three years before the appointment of the persons responsible for the management and/or members of the admin­ istrative bodies of the transmission system operator who are sub­ ject to this paragraph.
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4. The persons responsible for the management and/or mem­ bers of the administrative bodies, and employees of the transmis­ sion system operator shall have no other professional position or responsibility, interest or business relationship, directly or indi­ rectly, with any other part of the vertically integrated undertaking or with its controlling shareholders.

5. The persons responsible for the management and/or mem­ bers of the administrative bodies, and employees of the transmis­ sion system operator shall hold no interest in or receive any financial benefit, directly or indirectly, from any part of the ver­ tically integrated undertaking other than the transmission system operator. Their remuneration shall not depend on activities or results of the vertically integrated undertaking other than those of the transmission system operator.

6. Effective rights of appeal to the regulatory authority shall be guaranteed for any complaints by the persons responsible for the management and/or members of the administrative bodies of the transmission system operator against premature terminations of their term of office.

7. After termination of their term of office in the transmission system operator, the persons responsible for its management and/or members of its administrative bodies shall have no profes­ sional position or responsibility, interest or business relationship with any part of the vertically integrated undertaking other than the transmission system operator, or with its controlling share­ holders for a period of not less than four years.

8. Paragraph 3 shall apply to the majority of the persons responsible for the management and/or members of the admin­ istrative bodies of the transmission system operator.

The persons responsible for the management and/or members of the administrative bodies of the transmission system operator who are not subject to paragraph 3 shall have exercised no man­ agement or other relevant activity in the vertically integrated undertaking for a period of at least six months before their appointment.

The first subparagraph of this paragraph and paragraphs 4 to 7 shall be applicable to all the persons belonging to the executive management and to those directly reporting to them on matters related to the operation, maintenance or development of the network.

Article 20

Supervisory Body

1. The transmission system operator shall have a Supervisory Body which shall be in charge of taking decisions which may have a significant impact on the value of the assets of the shareholders within the transmission system operator, in particular decisions regarding the approval of the annual and longer-term financial plans, the level of indebtedness of the transmission system opera­ tor and the amount of dividends distributed to shareholders. The decisions falling under the remit of the Supervisory Body shall exclude those that are related to the day to day activities of the
transmission system operator and management of the network, and to activities necessary for the preparation of the ten-year net­ work development plan developed pursuant to Article 22.

2. The Supervisory Body shall be composed of members rep­ resenting the vertically integrated undertaking, members repre­ senting third party shareholders and, where the relevant legislation of a Member State so provides, members representing other interested parties such as employees of the transmission sys­ tem operator.

3. The first subparagraph of Article 19(2) and Article 19(3) to (7) shall apply to at least half of the members of the Supervi­ sory Body minus one.

Point (b) of the second subparagraph of Article 19(2) shall apply to all the members of the Supervisory Body.

Article 21

Compliance programme and compliance officer

1. Member States shall ensure that transmission system opera­ tors establish and implement a compliance programme which sets out the measures taken in order to ensure that discriminatory conduct is excluded, and ensure that the compliance with that programme is adequately monitored. The compliance programme shall set out the specific obligations of employees to meet those objectives. It shall be subject to approval by the regulatory author­ ity. Without prejudice to the powers of the national regulator, compliance with the program shall be independently monitored by a compliance officer.

2. The compliance officer shall be appointed by the Supervi­ sory Body, subject to the approval by the regulatory authority. The regulatory authority may refuse the approval of the compli­ ance officer only for reasons of lack of independence or profes­ sional capacity. The compliance officer may be a natural or legal person. Article 19(2) to (8) shall apply to the compliance officer.

3. The compliance officer shall be in charge of:

(a) monitoring the implementation of the compliance programme;

(b) elaborating an annual report, setting out the measures taken in order to implement the compliance programme and sub­ mitting it to the regulatory authority;

(c) reporting to the Supervisory Body and issuing recommenda­
tions on the compliance programme and its implementation;

(d) notifying the regulatory authority on any substantial breaches with regard to the implementation of the compliance pro­ gramme; and

(e) reporting to the regulatory authority on any commercial and financial relations between the vertically integrated undertak­ ing and the transmission system operator.
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4. The compliance officer shall submit the proposed decisions on the investment plan or on individual investments in the net­ work to the regulatory authority. This shall occur at the latest when the management and/or the competent administrative body of the transmission system operator submits them to the Super­ visory Body.

5. Where the vertically integrated undertaking, in the general assembly or through the vote of the members of the Supervisory Body it has appointed, has prevented the adoption of a decision with the effect of preventing or delaying investments, which under the ten-year network development plan was to be executed in the following three years, the compliance officer shall report this to the regulatory authority, which then shall act in accor­ dance with Article 22.

6. The conditions governing the mandate or the employment conditions of the compliance officer, including the duration of its mandate, shall be subject to approval by the regulatory authority. Those conditions shall ensure the independence of the compli­ ance officer, including by providing him with all the resources necessary for fulfilling his duties. During his mandate, the com­ pliance officer shall have no other professional position, respon­ sibility or interest, directly or indirectly, in or with any part of the vertically integrated undertaking or with its controlling shareholders.

7. The compliance officer shall report regularly, either orally or in writing, to the regulatory authority and shall have the right to report regularly, either orally or in writing, to the Supervisory Body of the transmission system operator.

8. The compliance officer may attend all meetings of the man­ agement or administrative bodies of the transmission system operator, and those of the Supervisory Body and the general assembly. The compliance officer shall attend all meetings that address the following matters:

(a) conditions for access to the network, as defined in Regula­ tion (EC) No 714/2009, in particular regarding tariffs, third party access services, capacity allocation and congestion management, transparency, balancing and secondary markets;

(b) projects undertaken in order to operate, maintain and develop the transmission system, including interconnection and connection investments;

(c) energy purchases or sales necessary for the operation of the transmission system.

9. The compliance officer shall monitor the compliance of the transmission system operator with Article 16.

10. The compliance officer shall have access to all relevant data and to the offices of the transmission system operator and to all the information necessary for the fulfilment of his task.
11. After prior approval by the regulatory authority, the Super­ visory Body may dismiss the compliance officer. It shall dismiss the compliance officer for reasons of lack of independence or pro­ fessional capacity upon request of the regulatory authority.

12. The compliance officer shall have access to the offices of the transmission system operator without prior announcement.

Article 22

Network development and powers to make investment decisions

1. Every year, transmission system operators shall submit to the regulatory authority a ten-year network development plan based on existing and forecast supply and demand after having consulted all the relevant stakeholders. That network develop­ ment plan shall contain efficient measures in order to guarantee the adequacy of the system and the security of supply.
2. The ten-year network development plan shall in particular: (a) indicate to market participants the main transmission infra­
structure that needs to be built or upgraded over the next ten

(b) contain all the investments already decided and identify new investments which have to be executed in the next three years; and

(c) provide for a time frame for all investment projects.

3. When elaborating the ten-year network development plan, the transmission system operator shall make reasonable assump­ tions about the evolution of the generation, supply, consumption and exchanges with other countries, taking into account invest­ ment plans for regional and Community-wide networks.

4. The regulatory authority shall consult all actual or potential system users on the ten-year network development plan in an open and transparent manner. Persons or undertakings claiming to be potential system users may be required to substantiate such claims. The regulatory authority shall publish the result of the consultation process, in particular possible needs for investments.

5. The regulatory authority shall examine whether the ten-year network development plan covers all investment needs identified during the consultation process, and whether it is consistent with the non-binding Community-wide ten-year network development plan (Community-wide network development plan) referred to in Article 8(3)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009. If any doubt arises as to the consistency with the Community-wide network development plan, the regulatory authority shall consult the Agency. The regulatory authority may require the transmission system operator to amend its ten-year network development plan.
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6. The regulatory authority shall monitor and evaluate the implementation of the ten-year network development plan.

7. In circumstances where the transmission system operator, other than for overriding reasons beyond its control, does not execute an investment, which, under the ten-year network devel­ opment plan, was to be executed in the following three years, Member States shall ensure that the regulatory authority is required to take at least one of the following measures to ensure that the investment in question is made if such investment is still relevant on the basis of the most recent ten-year network devel­ opment plan:

(a) to require the transmission system operator to execute the investments in question;

(b) to organise a tender procedure open to any investors for the investment in question; or

(c) to oblige the transmission system operator to accept a capi­ tal increase to finance the necessary investments and allow independent investors to participate in the capital.

Where the regulatory authority has made use of its powers under point (b) of the first subparagraph, it may oblige the transmission system operator to agree to one or more of the following:

(a) financing by any third party;

(b) construction by any third party;

(c) building the new assets concerned itself; (d) operating the new asset concerned itself.
The transmission system operator shall provide the investors with all information needed to realise the investment, shall connect new assets to the transmission network and shall generally make its best efforts to facilitate the implementation of the investment project.

The relevant financial arrangements shall be subject to approval by the regulatory authority.

8. Where the regulatory authority has made use of its powers under the first subparagraph of paragraph 7, the relevant tariff regulations shall cover the costs of the investments in question.

Article 23

Decision-making powers regarding the connection of new power plant to the transmission system

1. The transmission system operator shall establish and pub­ lish transparent and efficient procedures for non-discriminatory connection of new power plants to the transmission system. Those procedures shall be subject to the approval of national regulatory authorities.
2. The transmission system operator shall not be entitled to refuse the connection of a new power plant on the grounds of possible future limitations to available network capacities, such as congestion in distant parts of the transmission system. The trans­ mission system operator shall supply necessary information.

3. The transmission system operator shall not be entitled to refuse a new connection point, on the ground that it will lead to additional costs linked with necessary capacity increase of system elements in the close-up range to the connection point.



Article 24

Designation of distribution system operators

Member States shall designate or shall require undertakings that own or are responsible for distribution systems to designate, for a period of time to be determined by Member States having regard to considerations of efficiency and economic balance, one or more distribution system operators. Member States shall ensure that distribution system operators act in accordance with Articles 25, 26 and 27.

Article 25

Tasks of distribution system operators

1. The distribution system operator shall be responsible for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the distribution of electricity, for operating, main­ taining and developing under economic conditions a secure, reli­ able and efficient electricity distribution system in its area with due regard for the environment and energy efficiency.

2. In any event, it must not discriminate between system users or classes of system users, particularly in favour of its related undertakings.

3. The distribution system operator shall provide system users with the information they need for efficient access to, including use of, the system.

4. A Member State may require the distribution system opera­ tor, when dispatching generating installations, to give priority to generating installations using renewable energy sources or waste or producing combined heat and power.
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5. Each distribution system operator shall procure the energy it uses to cover energy losses and reserve capacity in its system according to transparent, non-discriminatory and market based procedures, whenever it has such a function. That requirement shall be without prejudice to using electricity acquired under con­ tracts concluded before 1 January 2002.

6. Where a distribution system operator is responsible for bal­ ancing the distribution system, rules adopted by it for that pur­ pose shall be objective, transparent and non-discriminatory, including rules for the charging of system users of their networks for energy imbalance. Terms and conditions, including rules and tariffs, for the provision of such services by distribution system operators shall be established in accordance with Article 37(6) in a non-discriminatory and cost-reflective way and shall be published.

7. When planning the development of the distribution net­ work, energy efficiency/demand-side management measures or distributed generation that might supplant the need to upgrade or replace electricity capacity shall be considered by the distribution system operator.

Article 26

Unbundling of distribution system operators

1. Where the distribution system operator is part of a vertically integrated undertaking, it shall be independent at least in terms of its legal form, organisation and decision making from other activi­ ties not relating to distribution. Those rules shall not create an obligation to separate the ownership of assets of the distribution system operator from the vertically integrated undertaking.

2. In addition to the requirements under paragraph 1, where the distribution system operator is part of a vertically integrated undertaking, it shall be independent in terms of its organisation and decision-making from the other activities not related to dis­ tribution. In order to achieve this, the following minimum crite­ ria shall apply:

(a) those persons responsible for the management of the distri­ bution system operator must not participate in company structures of the integrated electricity undertaking respon­ sible, directly or indirectly, for the day-to-day operation of the generation, transmission or supply of electricity;

(b) appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that the pro­ fessional interests of the persons responsible for the manage­ ment of the distribution system operator are taken into account in a manner that ensures that they are capable of act­ ing independently;

(c) the distribution system operator must have effective decision- making rights, independent from the integrated electricity undertaking, with respect to assets necessary to operate, maintain or develop the network. In order to fulfil those
tasks, the distribution system operator shall have at its dis­ posal the necessary resources including human, technical, physical and financial resources. This should not prevent the existence of appropriate coordination mechanisms to ensure that the economic and management supervision rights of the parent company in respect of return on assets, regulated indi­ rectly in accordance with Article 37(6), in a subsidiary are protected. In particular, this shall enable the parent company to approve the annual financial plan, or any equivalent instrument, of the distribution system operator and to set global limits on the levels of indebtedness of its subsidiary. It shall not permit the parent company to give instructions regarding day-to-day operations, nor with respect to indi­ vidual decisions concerning the construction or upgrading of distribution lines, that do not exceed the terms of the approved financial plan, or any equivalent instrument; and

(d) the distribution system operator must establish a compliance programme, which sets out measures taken to ensure that discriminatory conduct is excluded, and ensure that obser­ vance of it is adequately monitored. The compliance pro­ gramme shall set out the specific obligations of employees to meet that objective. An annual report, setting out the mea­ sures taken, shall be submitted by the person or body respon­ sible for monitoring the compliance programme, the compliance officer of the distribution system operator, to the regulatory authority referred to in Article 35(1) and shall be published. The compliance officer of the distribution system operator shall be fully independent and shall have access to all the necessary information of the distribution system operator and any affiliated undertaking to fulfil his task.

3. Where the distribution system operator is part of a vertically integrated undertaking, the Member States shall ensure that the activities of the distribution system operator are monitored by regulatory authorities or other competent bodies so that it can­ not take advantage of its vertical integration to distort competi­ tion. In particular, vertically integrated distribution system operators shall not, in their communication and branding, create confusion in respect of the separate identity of the supply branch of the vertically integrated undertaking.

4. Member States may decide not to apply paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 to integrated electricity undertakings serving less than
100 000 connected customers, or serving small isolated systems.

Article 27

Confidentiality obligation of distribution system operators

Without prejudice to Article 30 or any other legal duty to disclose information, the distribution system operator must preserve the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information obtained in the course of carrying out its business, and shall prevent informa­ tion about its own activities which may be commercially advan­ tageous being disclosed in a discriminatory manner.
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Article 28

Closed distribution systems

1. Member States may provide for national regulatory authori­ ties or other competent authorities to classify a system which dis­ tributes electricity within a geographically confined industrial, commercial or shared services site and does not, without preju­ dice to paragraph 4, supply household customers, as a closed dis­ tribution system if:

(a) for specific technical or safety reasons, the operations or the production process of the users of that system are integrated; or

(b) that system distributes electricity primarily to the owner or operator of the system or their related undertakings.

2. Member States may provide for national regulatory authori­
ties to exempt the operator of a closed distribution system from:

(a) the requirement under Article 25(5) to procure the energy it uses to cover energy losses and reserve capacity in its system according to transparent, non-discriminatory and market based procedures;

(b) the requirement under Article 32(1) that tariffs, or the meth­ odologies underlying their calculation, are approved prior to their entry into force in accordance with Article 37.

3. Where an exemption is granted under paragraph 2, the applicable tariffs, or the methodologies underlying their calcula­ tion, shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with Article 37 upon request by a user of the closed distribution system.

4. Incidental use by a small number of households with employment or similar associations with the owner of the distri­ bution system and located within the area served by a closed dis­ tribution system shall not preclude an exemption under paragraph 2 being granted.

Article 29

Combined operator

Article 26(1) shall not prevent the operation of a combined trans­ mission and distribution system operator provided that operator complies with Articles 9(1), or 13 and 14, or Chapter V or falls under Article 44(2).



Article 30

Right of access to accounts

1. Member States or any competent authority they designate, including the regulatory authorities referred to in Article 35, shall,
insofar as necessary to carry out their functions, have right of access to the accounts of electricity undertakings as set out in Article 31.

2. Member States and any designated competent authority, including the regulatory authorities, shall preserve the confiden­ tiality of commercially sensitive information. Member States may provide for the disclosure of such information where this is nec­ essary in order for the competent authorities to carry out their functions.

Article 31

Unbundling of accounts

1. Member States shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the accounts of electricity undertakings are kept in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3.

2. Electricity undertakings, whatever their system of owner­ ship or legal form, shall draw up, submit to audit and publish their annual accounts in accordance with the rules of national law concerning the annual accounts of limited liability companies adopted pursuant to the Fourth Council Directive 78/660/EEC of
25 July 1978 based on Article 44(2)(g) of the Treaty on the
annual accounts of certain types of companies (1).

Undertakings which are not legally obliged to publish their annual accounts shall keep a copy of these at the disposal of the public in their head office.

3. Electricity undertakings shall, in their internal accounting, keep separate accounts for each of their transmission and distri­ bution activities as they would be required to do if the activities in question were carried out by separate undertakings, with a view to avoiding discrimination, cross-subsidisation and distortion of competition. They shall also keep accounts, which may be con­ solidated, for other electricity activities not relating to transmis­ sion or distribution. Until 1 July 2007, they shall keep separate accounts for supply activities for eligible customers and supply activities for non-eligible customers. Revenue from ownership of the transmission or distribution system shall be specified in the accounts. Where appropriate, they shall keep consolidated accounts for other, non-electricity activities. The internal accounts shall include a balance sheet and a profit and loss account for each activity.

4. The audit referred to in paragraph 2 shall, in particular, verify that the obligation to avoid discrimination and cross- subsidies referred to in paragraph 3 is respected.

The title of Directive 78/660/EEC has been adjusted to take account of the renumbering of the Articles of the Treaty establishing the Euro­ pean Community in accordance with Article 12 of the Treaty of Amsterdam; the original reference was to Article 54(3)(g).
(1) OJ L 222, 14.8.1978, p. 11.
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Article 32

Third-party access

1. Member States shall ensure the implementation of a system of third party access to the transmission and distribution systems based on published tariffs, applicable to all eligible customers and applied objectively and without discrimination between system users. Member States shall ensure that those tariffs, or the meth­ odologies underlying their calculation, are approved prior to their entry into force in accordance with Article 37 and that those tar­ iffs, and the methodologies — where only methodologies are approved — are published prior to their entry into force.

2. The transmission or distribution system operator may refuse access where it lacks the necessary capacity. Duly substantiated reasons must be given for such refusal, in particular having regard to Article 3, and based on objective and technically and economi­ cally justified criteria. The regulatory authorities where Member States have so provided or Member States shall ensure that those criteria are consistently applied and that the system user who has been refused access can make use of a dispute settlement proce­ dure. The regulatory authorities shall also ensure, where appro­ priate and when refusal of access takes place, that the transmission or distribution system operator provides relevant information on measures that would be necessary to reinforce the network. The party requesting such information may be charged a reasonable fee reflecting the cost of providing such information.

Article 33

Market opening and reciprocity

1. Member States shall ensure that the eligible customers comprise:

(a) until 1 July 2004, the eligible customers as specified in Article 19(1) to (3) of Directive 96/92/EC. Member States shall publish by 31 January each year the criteria for the defi­ nition of those eligible customers;

(b) from 1 July 2004, all non-household customers; (c) from 1 July 2007, all customers.
2. To avoid imbalance in the opening of electricity markets:

(a) contracts for the supply of electricity with an eligible cus­ tomer in the system of another Member State shall not be prohibited if the customer is considered as eligible in both systems involved; and
(b) where transactions as described in point (a) are refused because the customer is eligible in only one of the two sys­ tems, the Commission may, taking into account the situation in the market and the common interest, oblige the refusing party to execute the requested supply at the request of the Member State where the eligible customer is located.

Article 34

Direct lines

1. Member States shall take the measures necessary to enable: (a) all electricity producers and electricity supply undertakings
established within their territory to supply their own pre­ mises, subsidiaries and eligible customers through a direct line; and

(b) all eligible customers within their territory to be supplied through a direct line by a producer and supply undertakings.

2. Member States shall lay down the criteria for the grant of authorisations for the construction of direct lines in their territory. Those criteria shall be objective and non-discriminatory.

3. The possibility of supplying electricity through a direct line as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall not affect the possibility of contracting electricity in accordance with Article 32.

4. Member States may issue an authorisation to construct a direct line subject either to the refusal of system access on the basis, as appropriate, of Article 32 or to the opening of a dispute settlement procedure under Article 37.

5. Member States may refuse to authorise a direct line if the granting of such an authorisation would obstruct the provisions of Article 3. Duly substantiated reasons shall be given for such refusal.



Article 35

Designation and independence of regulatory authorities

1. Each Member State shall designate a single national regula­
tory authority at national level.

2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall be without prejudice to the designation of other regulatory authorities at regional level within Member States, provided that there is one senior representative for representation and contact purposes at Community level within the Board of Regulators of the Agency in accordance with Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No 713/2009.
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3. By way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this Article, a Member State may designate regulatory authorities for small sys­ tems on a geographically separate region whose consumption, in
2008, accounted for less than 3 % of the total consumption of the Member State of which it is part. This derogation shall be with­ out prejudice to the appointment of one senior representative for representation and contact purposes at Community level within the Board of Regulators of the Agency in compliance with Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No 713/2009.

4. Member States shall guarantee the independence of the regulatory authority and shall ensure that it exercises its powers impartially and transparently. For this purpose, Member State shall ensure that, when carrying out the regulatory tasks conferred upon it by this Directive and related legislation, the regulatory authority:

(a) is legally distinct and functionally independent from any other public or private entity;

(b) ensures that its staff and the persons responsible for its management:

act independently from any market interest; and

(ii) do not seek or take direct instructions from any govern­ ment or other public or private entity when carrying out the regulatory tasks. This requirement is without preju­ dice to close cooperation, as appropriate, with other rel­ evant national authorities or to general policy guidelines issued by the government not related to the regulatory powers and duties under Article 37.

5. In order to protect the independence of the regulatory authority, Member States shall in particular ensure that:

(a) the regulatory authority can take autonomous decisions, independently from any political body, and has separate annual budget allocations, with autonomy in the implemen­ tation of the allocated budget, and adequate human and financial resources to carry out its duties; and

(b) the members of the board of the regulatory authority or, in the absence of a board, the regulatory authority’s top man­ agement are appointed for a fixed term of five up to seven years, renewable once.

In regard to point (b) of the first subparagraph, Member States shall ensure an appropriate rotation scheme for the board or the top management. The members of the board or, in the absence of a board, members of the top management may be relieved from office during their term only if they no longer fulfil the conditions set out in this Article or have been guilty of misconduct under national law.
Article 36

General objectives of the regulatory authority

In carrying out the regulatory tasks specified in this Directive, the regulatory authority shall take all reasonable measures in pursuit of the following objectives within the framework of their duties and powers as laid down in Article 37, in close consultation with other relevant national authorities including competition authori­ ties, as appropriate, and without prejudice to their competencies:

(a) promoting, in close cooperation with the Agency, regulatory authorities of other Member States and the Commission, a competitive, secure and environmentally sustainable internal market in electricity within the Community, and effective market opening for all customers and suppliers in the Com­ munity and ensuring appropriate conditions for the effective and reliable operation of electricity networks, taking into account long-term objectives;

(b) developing competitive and properly functioning regional markets within the Community in view of the achievement of the objectives referred to in point (a);

(c) eliminating restrictions on trade in electricity between Mem­ ber States, including developing appropriate cross-border transmission capacities to meet demand and enhancing the integration of national markets which may facilitate electric­ ity flows across the Community;

(d) helping to achieve, in the most cost-effective way, the devel­ opment of secure, reliable and efficient non-discriminatory systems that are consumer oriented, and promoting system adequacy and, in line with general energy policy objectives, energy efficiency as well as the integration of large and small- scale production of electricity from renewable energy sources and distributed generation in both transmission and distribu­ tion networks;

(e) facilitating access to the network for new generation capac­ ity, in particular removing barriers that could prevent access for new market entrants and of electricity from renewable energy sources;

(f) ensuring that system operators and system users are granted appropriate incentives, in both the short and the long term, to increase efficiencies in system performance and foster market integration;

(g) ensuring that customers benefit through the efficient func­ tioning of their national market, promoting effective compe­ tition and helping to ensure consumer protection;

(h) helping to achieve high standards of universal and public ser­ vice in electricity supply, contributing to the protection of vulnerable customers and contributing to the compatibility of necessary data exchange processes for customer switching.
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Article 37

Duties and powers of the regulatory authority

1. The regulatory authority shall have the following duties:

(a) fixing or approving, in accordance with transparent criteria, transmission or distribution tariffs or their methodologies;

(b) ensuring compliance of transmission and distribution system operators and, where relevant, system owners, as well as of any electricity undertakings, with their obligations under this Directive and other relevant Community legislation, includ­ ing as regards cross-border issues;

(c) cooperating in regard to cross-border issues with the regula­ tory authority or authorities of the Member States concerned and with the Agency;

(d) complying with, and implementing, any relevant legally bind­
ing decisions of the Agency and of the Commission;

(e) reporting annually on its activity and the fulfilment of its duties to the relevant authorities of the Member States, the Agency and the Commission. Such reports shall cover the steps taken and the results obtained as regards each of the tasks listed in this Article;

(f) ensuring that there are no cross-subsidies between transmis­
sion, distribution, and supply activities;

(g) monitoring investment plans of the transmission system operators, and providing in its annual report an assessment of the investment plans of the transmission system operators as regards their consistency with the Community-wide net­ work development plan referred to in Article 8(3)(b) of Regu­ lation (EC) No 714/2009; such assessment may include recommendations to amend those investment plans;

(h) monitoring compliance with and reviewing the past perfor­ mance of network security and reliability rules and setting or approving standards and requirements for quality of service and supply or contributing thereto together with other com­ petent authorities;

monitoring the level of transparency, including of wholesale prices, and ensuring compliance of electricity undertakings with transparency obligations;

(j) monitoring the level and effectiveness of market opening and competition at wholesale and retail levels, including on elec­ tricity exchanges, prices for household customers including prepayment systems, switching rates, disconnection rates, charges for and the execution of maintenance services, and complaints by household customers, as well as any distortion or restriction of competition, including providing any rel­ evant information, and bringing any relevant cases to the rel­ evant competition authorities;
(k) monitoring the occurrence of restrictive contractual prac­ tices, including exclusivity clauses which may prevent large non-household customers from contracting simultaneously with more than one supplier or restrict their choice to do so, and, where appropriate, informing the national competition authorities of such practices;

(l) respecting contractual freedom with regard to interruptible supply contracts and with regard to long-term contracts pro­ vided that they are compatible with Community law and consistent with Community policies;

(m) monitoring the time taken by transmission and distribution system operators to make connections and repairs;

helping to ensure, together with other relevant authorities, that the consumer protection measures, including those set out in Annex I, are effective and enforced;

(o) publishing recommendations, at least annually, in relation to compliance of supply prices with Article 3, and providing these to the competition authorities, where appropriate;

(p) ensuring access to customer consumption data, the provi­ sion, for optional use, of an easily understandable harmon­ ised format at national level for consumption data, and prompt access for all customers to such data under point (h) of Annex I;

(q) monitoring the implementation of rules relating to the roles and responsibilities of transmission system operators, distri­ bution system operators, suppliers and customers and other market parties pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 714/2009;

(r) monitoring investment in generation capacities in relation to security of supply;

(s) monitoring technical cooperation between Community and third-country transmission system operators;

(t) monitoring the implementation of safeguards measures as referred to in Article 42; and

(u) contributing to the compatibility of data exchange processes for the most important market processes at regional level.

2. Where a Member State has so provided, the monitoring duties set out in paragraph 1 may be carried out by other authori­ ties than the regulatory authority. In such a case, the information resulting from such monitoring shall be made available to the regulatory authority as soon as possible.

While preserving their independence, without prejudice to their own specific competencies and consistent with the principles of better regulation, the regulatory authority shall, as appropriate, consult transmission system operators and, as appropriate, closely cooperate with other relevant national authorities when carrying out the duties set out in paragraph 1.
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Any approvals given by a regulatory authority or the Agency under this Directive are without prejudice to any duly justified future use of its powers by the regulatory authority under this Article or to any penalties imposed by other relevant authorities or the Commission.

3. In addition to the duties conferred upon it under para­ graph 1 of this Article, when an independent system operator has been designated under Article 13, the regulatory authority shall:

(a) monitor the transmission system owner’s and the indepen­ dent system operator’s compliance with their obligations under this Article, and issue penalties for non-compliance in accordance with paragraph 4(d);

(b) monitor the relations and communications between the inde­ pendent system operator and the transmission system owner so as to ensure compliance of the independent system opera­ tor with its obligations, and in particular approve contracts and act as a dispute settlement authority between the inde­ pendent system operator and the transmission system owner in respect of any complaint submitted by either party pursu­ ant to paragraph 11;

(c) without prejudice to the procedure under Article 13(2)(c), for the first ten-year network development plan, approve the investments planning and the multi-annual network devel­ opment plan presented annually by the independent system operator;

(d) ensure that network access tariffs collected by the indepen­ dent system operator include remuneration for the network owner or network owners, which provides for adequate remuneration of the network assets and of any new invest­ ments made therein, provided they are economically and effi­ ciently incurred;

(e) have the powers to carry out inspections, including unan­ nounced inspections, at the premises of transmission system owner and independent system operator; and

(f) monitor the use of congestion charges collected by the inde­ pendent system operator in accordance with Article 16(6) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009.

4. Member States shall ensure that regulatory authorities are granted the powers enabling them to carry out the duties referred to in paragraphs 1, 3 and 6 in an efficient and expeditious man­ ner. For this purpose, the regulatory authority shall have at least the following powers:

(a) to issue binding decisions on electricity undertakings;

(b) to carry out investigations into the functioning of the elec­ tricity markets, and to decide upon and impose any neces­ sary and proportionate measures to promote effective competition and ensure the proper functioning of the
market. Where appropriate, the regulatory authority shall also have the power to cooperate with the national compe­ tition authority and the financial market regulators or the Commission in conducting an investigation relating to com­ petition law;

(c) to require any information from electricity undertakings rel­ evant for the fulfilment of its tasks, including the justification for any refusal to grant third-party access, and any informa­ tion on measures necessary to reinforce the network;

(d) to impose effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties on electricity undertakings not complying with their obligations under this Directive or any relevant legally binding decisions of the regulatory authority or of the Agency, or to propose that a competent court impose such penalties. This shall include the power to impose or propose the imposition of penalties of up to 10 % of the annual turnover of the trans­ mission system operator on the transmission system opera­ tor or of up to 10 % of the annual turnover of the vertically integrated undertaking on the vertically integrated undertak­ ing, as the case may be, for non-compliance with their respec­ tive obligations pursuant to this Directive; and

(e) appropriate rights of investigations and relevant powers of instructions for dispute settlement under paragraphs 11 and 12.

5. In addition to the duties and powers conferred on it under paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Article, when a transmission system operator has been designated in accordance with Chapter V, the regulatory authority shall be granted at least the following duties and powers:

(a) to issue penalties in accordance with paragraph 4(d) for dis­ criminatory behaviour in favour of the vertically integrated undertaking;

(b) to monitor communications between the transmission sys­ tem operator and the vertically integrated undertaking so as to ensure compliance of the transmission system operator with its obligations;

(c) to act as dispute settlement authority between the vertically integrated undertaking and the transmission system opera­ tor in respect of any complaint submitted pursuant to paragraph 11;

(d) to monitor commercial and financial relations including loans between the vertically integrated undertaking and the transmission system operator;

(e) to approve all commercial and financial agreements between the vertically integrated undertaking and the transmission system operator on the condition that they comply with mar­ ket conditions;
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(f) to request justification from the vertically integrated under­ taking when notified by the compliance officer in accordance with Article 21(4). Such justification shall, in particular, include evidence to the end that no discriminatory behaviour to the advantage of the vertically integrated undertaking has occurred;

(g) to carry out inspections, including unannounced ones, on the premises of the vertically integrated undertaking and the transmission system operator; and

(h) to assign all or specific tasks of the transmission system operator to an independent system operator appointed in accordance with Article 13 in case of a persistent breach by the transmission system operator of its obligations under this Directive, in particular in case of repeated discriminatory behaviour to the benefit of the vertically integrated undertaking.

6. The regulatory authorities shall be responsible for fixing or approving sufficiently in advance of their entry into force at least the methodologies used to calculate or establish the terms and conditions for:

(a) connection and access to national networks, including trans­ mission and distribution tariffs or their methodologies. Those tariffs or methodologies shall allow the necessary invest­ ments in the networks to be carried out in a manner allow­ ing those investments to ensure the viability of the networks;

(b) the provision of balancing services which shall be performed in the most economic manner possible and provide appro­ priate incentives for network users to balance their input and off-takes. The balancing services shall be provided in a fair and non-discriminatory manner and be based on objective criteria; and

(c) access to cross-border infrastructures, including the proce­ dures for the allocation of capacity and congestion management.

7. The methodologies or the terms and conditions referred to in paragraph 6 shall be published.

8. In fixing or approving the tariffs or methodologies and the balancing services, the regulatory authorities shall ensure that transmission and distribution system operators are granted appro­ priate incentive, over both the short and long term, to increase efficiencies, foster market integration and security of supply and support the related research activities.

9. The regulatory authorities shall monitor congestion man­ agement of national electricity systems including interconnectors, and the implementation of congestion management rules. To that end, transmission system operators or market operators shall sub­ mit their congestion management rules, including capacity allo­ cation, to the national regulatory authorities. National regulatory authorities may request amendments to those rules.
10. Regulatory authorities shall have the authority to require transmission and distribution system operators, if necessary, to modify the terms and conditions, including tariffs or methodolo­ gies referred to in this Article, to ensure that they are proportion­ ate and applied in a non-discriminatory manner. In the event of delay in the fixing of transmission and distribution tariffs, regu­ latory authorities shall have the power to fix or approve provi­ sional transmission and distribution tariffs or methodologies and to decide on the appropriate compensatory measures if the final transmission and distribution tariffs or methodologies deviate from those provisional tariffs or methodologies.

11. Any party having a complaint against a transmission or distribution system operator in relation to that operator’s obliga­ tions under this Directive may refer the complaint to the regula­ tory authority which, acting as dispute settlement authority, shall issue a decision within a period of two months after receipt of the complaint. That period may be extended by two months where additional information is sought by the regulatory authority. That extended period may be further extended with the agreement of the complainant. The regulatory authority’s decision shall have binding effect unless and until overruled on appeal.

12. Any party who is affected and who has a right to complain concerning a decision on methodologies taken pursuant to this Article or, where the regulatory authority has a duty to consult, concerning the proposed tariffs or methodologies, may, at the lat­ est within two months, or a shorter time period as provided by Member States, following publication of the decision or proposal for a decision, submit a complaint for review. Such a complaint shall not have suspensive effect.

13. Member States shall create appropriate and efficient mechanisms for regulation, control and transparency so as to avoid any abuse of a dominant position, in particular to the det­ riment of consumers, and any predatory behaviour. Those mecha­ nisms shall take account of the provisions of the Treaty, and in particular Article 82 thereof.

14. Member States shall ensure that the appropriate measures are taken, including administrative action or criminal proceedings in conformity with their national law, against the natural or legal persons responsible where confidentiality rules imposed by this Directive have not been respected.

15. Complaints referred to in paragraphs 11 and 12 shall be without prejudice to the exercise of rights of appeal under Com­ munity or national law.

16. Decisions taken by regulatory authorities shall be fully rea­ soned and justified to allow for judicial review. The decisions shall be available to the public while preserving the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information.
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17. Member States shall ensure that suitable mechanisms exist at national level under which a party affected by a decision of a regulatory authority has a right of appeal to a body independent of the parties involved and of any government.

Article 38

Regulatory regime for cross-border issues

1. Regulatory authorities shall closely consult and cooperate with each other, and shall provide each other and the Agency with any information necessary for the fulfilment of their tasks under this Directive. In respect of the information exchanged, the receiving authority shall ensure the same level of confidentiality as that required of the originating authority.

2. Regulatory authorities shall cooperate at least at a regional level to:

(a) foster the creation of operational arrangements in order to enable an optimal management of the network, promote joint electricity exchanges and the allocation of cross-border capacity, and to enable an adequate level of interconnection capacity, including through new interconnection, within the region and between regions to allow for development of effective competition and improvement of security of supply, without discriminating between supply undertakings in dif­ ferent Member States;

(b) coordinate the development of all network codes for the rel­ evant transmission system operators and other market actors; and

(c) coordinate the development of the rules governing the man­
agement of congestion.

3. National regulatory authorities shall have the right to enter into cooperative arrangements with each other to foster regula­ tory cooperation.

4. The actions referred to in paragraph 2 shall be carried out, as appropriate, in close consultation with other relevant national authorities and without prejudice to their specific competencies.

5. The Commission may adopt Guidelines on the extent of the duties of the regulatory authorities to cooperate with each other and with the Agency. Those measures, designed to amend non- essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scru­ tiny referred to in Article 46(2).

Article 39

Compliances with the Guidelines

1. Any regulatory authority and the Commission may request the opinion of the Agency on the compliance of a decision taken by a regulatory authority with the Guidelines referred to in this Directive or in Regulation (EC) No 714/2009.
2. The Agency shall provide its opinion to the regulatory authority which has requested it or to the Commission, respec­ tively, and to the regulatory authority which has taken the deci­ sion in question within three months from the date of receipt of the request.

3. Where the regulatory authority which has taken the deci­ sion does not comply with the Agency’s opinion within four months from the date of receipt of that opinion, the Agency shall inform the Commission accordingly.

4. Any regulatory authority may inform the Commission where it considers that a decision relevant for cross-border trade taken by another regulatory authority does not comply with the Guidelines referred to in this Directive or in Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 within two months from the date of that decision.

5. Where the Commission, within two months after having been informed by the Agency in accordance with paragraph 3, or by a regulatory authority in accordance with paragraph 4, or on its own initiative, within three months from the date of the deci­ sion, finds that the decision of a regulatory authority raises seri­ ous doubts as to its compatibility with the Guidelines referred to in this Directive or in Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, the Com­ mission may decide to examine the case further. In such a case, it shall invite the regulatory authority and the parties to the pro­ ceedings before the regulatory authority to submit observations.

6. Where the Commission takes a decision to examine the case further, it shall, within four months of the date of such decision, issue a final decision:

(a) not to raise objections against the decision of the regulatory authority; or

(b) to require the regulatory authority concerned to withdraw its decision on the basis that that the Guidelines have not been complied with.

7. Where the Commission has not taken a decision to exam­ ine the case further or a final decision within the time-limits set in paragraphs 5 and 6 respectively, it shall be deemed not to have raised objections to the decision of the regulatory authority.

8. The regulatory authority shall comply with the Commission decision to withdraw their decision within a period of two months and shall inform the Commission accordingly.

9. The Commission may adopt Guidelines setting out the details of the procedure to be followed for the application of this Article. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential ele­ ments of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 46(2).
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Article 40

Record keeping

1. Member States shall require supply undertakings to keep at the disposal of the national authorities, including the national regulatory authority, the national competition authorities and the Commission, for the fulfilment of their tasks, for at least five years, the relevant data relating to all transactions in electricity supply contracts and electricity derivatives with wholesale cus­ tomers and transmission system operators.

2. The data shall include details on the characteristics of the relevant transactions such as duration, delivery and settlement rules, the quantity, the dates and times of execution and the trans­ action prices and means of identifying the wholesale customer concerned, as well as specified details of all unsettled electricity supply contracts and electricity derivatives.

3. The regulatory authority may decide to make available to market participants elements of that information provided that commercially sensitive information on individual market players or individual transactions is not released. This paragraph shall not apply to information about financial instruments which fall within the scope of Directive 2004/39/EC.

4. To ensure the uniform application of this Article, the Com­ mission may adopt Guidelines which define the methods and arrangements for record keeping as well as the form and content of the data that shall be kept. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 46(2).

5. With respect to transactions in electricity derivatives of sup­ ply undertakings with wholesale customers and transmission sys­ tem operators, this Article shall apply only once the Commission has adopted the Guidelines referred to in paragraph 4.

6. The provisions of this Article shall not create additional obligations towards the authorities referred to in paragraph 1 for entities falling within the scope of Directive 2004/39/EC.

7. In the event that the authorities referred to in paragraph 1 need access to data kept by entities falling within the scope of Directive 2004/39/EC, the authorities responsible under that Directive shall provide them with the required data.



Article 41

Retail markets

In order to facilitate the emergence of well functioning and trans­ parent retail markets in the Community, Member States shall ensure that the roles and responsibilities of transmission
system operators, distribution system operators, supply undertak­ ings and customers and if necessary other market participants are defined with respect to contractual arrangements, commitment to customers, data exchange and settlement rules, data ownership and metering responsibility.

Those rules shall be made public, be designed with the aim to facilitate customers’ and suppliers’ access to networks, and they shall be subject to review by the regulatory authorities or other relevant national authorities.

Large non-household customers shall have the right to contract simultaneously with several suppliers.



Article 42

Safeguard measures

In the event of a sudden crisis in the energy market and where the physical safety or security of persons, apparatus or installations or system integrity is threatened, a Member State may temporarily take the necessary safeguard measures.

Such measures must cause the least possible disturbance in the functioning of the internal market and must not be wider in scope than is strictly necessary to remedy the sudden difficulties which have arisen.

The Member State concerned shall, without delay, notify those measures to the other Member States, and to the Commission, which may decide that the Member State concerned must amend or abolish such measures, insofar as they distort competition and adversely affect trade in a manner which is at variance with the common interest.

Article 43

Level playing field

1. Measures that the Member States may take pursuant to this Directive in order to ensure a level playing field shall be compat­ ible with the Treaty, notably Article 30 thereof, and with Com­ munity law.

2. The measures referred to in paragraph 1 shall be propor­ tionate, non-discriminatory and transparent. Those measures may be put into effect only following the notification to and approval by the Commission.

3. The Commission shall act on the notification referred to in paragraph 2 within two months of the receipt of the notification. That period shall begin on the day following receipt of the com­ plete information. In the event that the Commission has not acted within that two-month period, it shall be deemed not to have raised objections to the notified measures.
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Article 44


1. Member States which can demonstrate, after this Directive has been brought into force, that there are substantial problems for the operation of their small isolated systems, may apply for derogations from the relevant provisions of Chapters IV, VI, VII, and VIII, as well as Chapter III, in the case of micro isolated sys­ tems, as far as refurbishing, upgrading and expanding existing capacity are concerned, which may be granted to them by the Commission. The Commission shall inform the Member States of those applications before taking a decision, taking into account respect for confidentiality. That decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

2. Article 9 shall not apply to Cyprus, Luxembourg and/or
Malta. In addition, Articles 26, 32 and 33 shall not apply to Malta.

For the purposes of Article 9(1)(b), the notion ‘undertaking per­ forming any of the functions of generation or supply’ shall not include final customers who perform any of the functions of gen­ eration and/or supply of electricity, either directly or via under­ takings over which they exercise control, either individually or jointly, provided that the final customers including their shares of the electricity produced in controlled undertakings are, on an annual average, net consumers of electricity and provided that the economic value of the electricity they sell to third parties is insig­ nificant in proportion to their other business operations.

Article 45

Review procedure

In the event that in the report referred to in Article 47(6) the Commission reaches the conclusion that given the effective man­ ner in which network access has been carried out in a Member State — which gives rise to fully effective, non-discriminatory and unhindered network access — certain obligations imposed by this Directive on undertakings (including those with respect to legal unbundling for distribution system operators) are not proportion­ ate to the objective pursued, the Member State in question may submit a request to the Commission for exemption from the requirement in question.

Such request shall be notified, without delay, by the Member State to the Commission, together with all the relevant information necessary to demonstrate that the conclusion reached in the report on effective network access being ensured will be maintained.

Within three months of its receipt of a notification, the Commis­ sion shall adopt an opinion with respect to the request by the Member State concerned, and where appropriate, submit propos­ als to the European Parliament and to the Council to amend the relevant provisions of this Directive. The Commission may pro­ pose, in the proposals to amend this Directive, to exempt the Member State concerned from specific requirements, subject to that Member State implementing equally effective measures as appropriate.
Article 46


1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.

2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4), and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.

Article 47


1. The Commission shall monitor and review the application of this Directive and submit an overall progress report to the European Parliament and the Council for the first time by
4 August 2004, and thereafter on an annual basis. The progress report shall cover at least:

(a) the experience gained and progress made in creating a com­ plete and fully operational internal market in electricity and the obstacles that remain in this respect, including aspects of market dominance, concentration in the market, predatory or anti-competitive behaviour and the effect thereof in terms of market distortion;

(b) the extent to which the unbundling and tarification require­ ments contained in this Directive have been successful in ensuring fair and non-discriminatory access to the Commu­ nity’s electricity system and equivalent levels of competition, as well as the economic, environmental and social conse­ quences of the opening of the electricity market to customers;

(c) an examination of issues relating to system capacity levels and security of supply of electricity in the Community, and in particular the existing and projected balance between demand and supply, taking into account the physical capac­ ity for exchanges between areas;

(d) special attention will be given to measures taken in Member States to cover peak demand and to deal with shortfalls of one or more suppliers;

(e) the implementation of the derogation provided under Article 26(4) with a view to a possible revision of the threshold;

(f) a general assessment of the progress achieved with regard to bilateral relations with third countries which produce and export or transport electricity, including progress in market integration, the social and environmental consequences of the trade in electricity and access to the networks of such third countries;
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(g) the need for possible harmonisation requirements that are not linked to the provisions of this Directive; and

(h) the manner in which Member States have implemented in practice the requirements regarding energy labelling con­ tained in Article 3(9), and the manner in which any Commis­ sion recommendations on that issue have been taken into account.

Where appropriate, the progress report may include recommen­ dations as regards, in particular, the scope and modalities of label­ ling provisions, including the way in which reference is made to existing reference sources and the content of those sources, and, notably, how information relating to environmental impact, as regards at least CO2 emissions, and radioactive waste, resulting from electricity generation from different energy sources could be made available in a transparent, easily accessible and comparable manner throughout the Community, how the measures taken by the Member States to control the accuracy of the information pro­ vided by suppliers could be streamlined, and which measures could counteract the negative effects of market dominance and market concentration.

2. Every two years, the progress report referred to in para­ graph 1 shall also include an analysis of the different measures taken in the Member States to meet public service obligations, together with an examination of the effectiveness of those mea­ sures and, in particular, their effects on competition in the elec­ tricity market. Where appropriate, the report may include recommendations as to the measures to be taken at national level to achieve high public service standards, or measures intended to prevent market foreclosure.

3. The Commission shall, by 3 March 2013, submit, as part of the general review, to the European Parliament and the Council, a detailed specific report outlining the extent to which the unbun­ dling requirements under Chapter V have been successful in ensuring full and effective independence of transmission system operators, using effective and efficient unbundling as a benchmark.

4. For the purpose of its assessment under paragraph 3, the Commission shall take into account in particular the following criteria: fair and non-discriminatory network access, effective regulation, the development of the network to meet market needs, undistorted incentives to invest, the development of interconnec­ tion infrastructure, effective competition in the energy markets of the Community and the security of supply situation in the Community.

5. Where appropriate, and in particular in the event that the detailed specific report referred to in paragraph 3 determines that the conditions referred to in paragraph 4 have not been guaran­ teed in practice, the Commission shall submit proposals to the European Parliament and the Council to ensure fully effective independence of transmission system operators by 3 March 2014.
6. The Commission shall, by 1 January 2006, forward to the European Parliament and Council, a detailed report outlining progress in creating the internal electricity market. That report shall, in particular, consider:

— the existence of non-discriminatory network access,

— effective regulation,

— the development of interconnection infrastructure and the security of supply situation in the Community,

— the extent to which the full benefits of the opening of mar­ kets are accruing to small enterprises and household custom­ ers, notably with respect to public service and universal service standards,

— the extent to which markets are in practice open to effective competition, including aspects of market dominance, mar­ ket concentration and predatory or anti-competitive behaviour,

— the extent to which customers are actually switching suppli­
ers and renegotiating tariffs,

— price developments, including supply prices, in relation to the degree of the opening of markets; and,

— the experience gained in the application of this Directive as far as the effective independence of system operators in ver­ tically integrated undertakings is concerned and whether other measures in addition to functional independence and separation of accounts have been developed which have effects equivalent to legal unbundling.

Where appropriate, the Commission shall submit proposals to the European Parliament and the Council, in particular to guarantee high public service standards.

Where appropriate, the Commission shall submit proposals to the European Parliament and the Council, in particular to ensure full and effective independence of distribution system operators before 1 July 2007. When necessary, those proposals shall, in conformity with competition law, also concern measures to address issues of market dominance, market concentration and predatory or anti-competitive behaviour.

Article 48


Directive 2003/54/EC is repealed from 3 March 2011 without prejudice to the obligations of Member States concerning the deadlines for transposition and application of the said Directive. References to the repealed Directive shall be construed as refer­ ences to this Directive and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex II.
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Article 49


1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 3 March 2011. They shall forthwith inform the Com­ mission thereof.

They shall apply those measures from 3 March 2011, with the exception of Article 11, which they shall apply from 3 March 2013.

When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of mak­ ing such reference shall be laid down by Member States.
Article 50

Entry into force

This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Article 51


This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 13 July 2009.

2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
For the European Parliament
The President
For the Council
The President
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1. Without prejudice to Community rules on consumer protection, in particular Directive 97/7/EC of the European Par­ liament and of the Council of 20 May 1997 on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts (1) and Coun- cil Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts (2), the measures referred to in Article 3 are to ensure that customers:

(a) have a right to a contract with their electricity service provider that specifies:

— the identity and address of the supplier,

— the services provided, the service quality levels offered, as well as the time for the initial connection,

— the types of maintenance service offered,

— the means by which up-to-date information on all applicable tariffs and maintenance charges may be obtained,

— the duration of the contract, the conditions for renewal and termination of services and of the contract and whether withdrawal from the contract without charge is permitted,

— any compensation and the refund arrangements which apply if contracted service quality levels are not met, including inaccurate and delayed billing,

— the method of initiating procedures for settlement of disputes in accordance with point (f),

— information relating to consumer rights, including on the complaint handling and all of the information referred to in this point, clearly communicated through billing or the electricity undertaking’s web site,

Conditions shall be fair and well-known in advance. In any case, this information should be provided prior to the conclusion or confirmation of the contract. Where contracts are concluded through intermediaries, the informa­ tion relating to the matters set out in this point shall also be provided prior to the conclusion of the contract;

(b) are given adequate notice of any intention to modify contractual conditions and are informed about their right of withdrawal when the notice is given. Service providers shall notify their subscribers directly of any increase in charges, at an appropriate time no later than one normal billing period after the increase comes into effect in a trans­ parent and comprehensible manner. Member States shall ensure that customers are free to withdraw from con­ tracts if they do not accept the new conditions notified to them by their electricity service provider;

(c) receive transparent information on applicable prices and tariffs and on standard terms and conditions, in respect of access to and use of electricity services;

(d) are offered a wide choice of payment methods, which do not unduly discriminate between customers. Prepayment systems shall be fair and adequately reflect likely consumption. Any difference in terms and conditions shall reflect the costs to the supplier of the different payment systems. General terms and conditions shall be fair and transpar­ ent. They shall be given in clear and comprehensible language and shall not include non-contractual barriers to the exercise of customers’ rights, for example excessive contractual documentation. Customers shall be protected against unfair or misleading selling methods;

(e) are not charged for changing supplier;

(1) OJ L 144, 4.6.1997, p. 19. (2) OJ L 95, 21.4.1993, p. 29.
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(f) benefit from transparent, simple and inexpensive procedures for dealing with their complaints. In particular, all con­ sumers shall have the right to a good standard of service and complaint handling by their electricity service pro­ vider. Such out-of-court dispute settlements procedures shall enable disputes to be settled fairly and promptly, preferably within three months, with provision, where warranted, for a system of reimbursement and/or compen­ sation. They should, wherever possible, be in line with the principles set out in Commission Recommendation
98/257/EC of 30 March 1998 on the principles applicable to the bodies responsible for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes (1);

(g) when having access to universal service under the provisions adopted by Member States pursuant to Article 3(3), are informed about their rights regarding universal service;

(h) have at their disposal their consumption data, and shall be able to, by explicit agreement and free of charge, give any registered supply undertaking access to its metering data. The party responsible for data management shall be obliged to give those data to the undertaking. Member States shall define a format for the data and a procedure for suppliers and consumers to have access to the data. No additional costs shall be charged to the consumer for that service;

are properly informed of actual electricity consumption and costs frequently enough to enable them to regulate their own electricity consumption. That information shall be given by using a sufficient time frame, which takes account of the capability of customer’s metering equipment and the electricity product in question. Due account shall be taken of the cost-efficiency of such measures. No additional costs shall be charged to the consumer for that service;

(j) receive a final closure account following any change of electricity supplier no later than six weeks after the change of supplier has taken place.

2. Member States shall ensure the implementation of intelligent metering systems that shall assist the active participation of consumers in the electricity supply market. The implementation of those metering systems may be subject to an eco­ nomic assessment of all the long-term costs and benefits to the market and the individual consumer or which form of intelligent metering is economically reasonable and cost-effective and which timeframe is feasible for their distribution.

Such assessment shall take place by 3 September 2012.

Subject to that assessment, Member States or any competent authority they designate shall prepare a timetable with a target of up to 10 years for the implementation of intelligent metering systems.

Where roll-out of smart meters is assessed positively, at least 80 % of consumers shall be equipped with intelligent meter­
ing systems by 2020.

The Member States, or any competent authority they designate, shall ensure the interoperability of those metering sys­ tems to be implemented within their territories and shall have due regard to the use of appropriate standards and best practice and the importance of the development of the internal market in electricity.

(1) OJ L 115, 17.4.1998, p. 31.

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