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Article 15

Dispatching and balancing

1. Without prejudice to the supply of electricity on the basis of contractual obligations, including those which derive from the tendering specifications, the transmission system operator shall, where it has such a function, be responsible for dispatching the generating installations in its area and for determining the use of interconnectors with other systems.

2. The dispatching of generating installations and the use of interconnectors shall be determined on the basis of criteria which shall be approved by national regulatory authorities where com­ petent and which must be objective, published and applied in a non-discriminatory manner, ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market in electricity. The criteria shall take into account the economic precedence of electricity from available generating installations or interconnector transfers and the tech­ nical constraints on the system.
3. A Member State shall require system operators to act in accordance with Article 16 of Directive 2009/28/EC when dis­ patching generating installations using renewable energy sources. They also may require the system operator to give priority when dispatching generating installations producing combined heat and power.

4. A Member State may, for reasons of security of supply, direct that priority be given to the dispatch of generating instal­ lations using indigenous primary energy fuel sources, to an extent not exceeding, in any calendar year, 15 % of the overall primary energy necessary to produce the electricity consumed in the Mem­ ber State concerned.

5. The regulatory authorities where Member States have so provided or Member States shall require transmission system operators to comply with minimum standards for the mainte­ nance and development of the transmission system, including interconnection capacity.

6. Transmission system operators shall procure the energy they use to cover energy losses and reserve capacity in their sys­ tem according to transparent, non-discriminatory and market- based procedures, whenever they have such a function.

7. Rules adopted by transmission system operators for balanc­ ing the electricity system shall be objective, transparent and non- discriminatory, including rules for charging system users of their networks for energy imbalance. The terms and conditions, includ­ ing the rules and tariffs, for the provision of such services by transmission system operators shall be established pursuant to a methodology compatible with Article 37(6) in a non- discriminatory and cost-reflective way and shall be published.

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