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Article 24

Transparency platform

1. The Commission shall establish an online public transparency platform. That platform shall serve to increase transparency, and facilitate and promote cooperation between Member States, in particular concerning statistical transfers referred to in Article 6 and joint projects referred to in Articles 7 and 9. In addition, the platform may be used to make public relevant information which the Commission or a Member State deems to be of key importance to this Directive and to the achievement of its objectives.
2. The Commission shall make public on the transparency platform the following information, where appropriate in aggregated form, preserving the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information:
(a) Member States’ national renewable energy action plans;
(b) Member States’ forecast documents referred to in Article 4(3), complemented as soon as possible with the Commission’s summary of excess production and estimated import demand;
(c) Member States’ offers to cooperate on statistical transfers or joint projects, upon request of the Member State concerned;
(d) the information referred to in Article 6(2) on the statistical transfers between Member States;
(e) the information referred to in Article 7(2) and (3) and Article 9(4) and (5) on joint projects;
(f) Member States’ national reports referred to in Article 22;
(g) the Commission reports referred to in Article 23(3).
However, upon request of the Member State that submitted the information, the Commission shall not make public Member States’ forecast documents referred to in Article 4(3), or the information in Member States’ national reports referred to in Article 22(1)(l) and (m).

Quelle und Stand des Gesetzes

gateway to the European Union is the official website of the European Union
Abrufdatum 31.01.2012.

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