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[Provisional program]

Keynote speakers

  • Prof. Dr. Harald Baayen: "Twenty-eight years of vowels: An investigation of changes in vowel formants and vowel duration in the Up corpus"  (Universität Tübingen / University of Alberta, Edmonton)
  • Dr. Susanne Gahl (UC Berkeley): "Twenty-eight years of vowels: An investigation of changes in vowel formants and vowel duration in the Up corpus"          
  • Prof. Dr. Yoshiko Matsumoto (Stanford University): "Being ordinary: A powerful narrative strategy when feeling vulnerable"

  • Prof. Dr. Heidi Hamilton (Georgetown University): "Language, dementia and meaning-making in art galleries and homes: Objects of joint attention as resources for transforming knowledge, building topics and lifting spirits"
  • Prof. Dr. Deborah Keller-Cohen (University of Michigan): "Pragmatic Spaces and social relations in aging"
  • Dr. Heather Harris Wright (East Carolina University): "Discourse Changes with Age: Considering microlinguistic and macrolinguistic processes"

Invited talks

  • Dr. Peter Backhaus: "Communication in institutional eldercare: A Japanese perspective" (WASEDA University)
  • Dr. Marion Blondel (SFL, CNRS-Paris8), Dr. Dominique Boutet (Université Evry / LIAS), Dr. Sarra El Ayari (SFL, CNRS-Paris8), Coralie Vincent (SFL, CNRS-Paris8): "LSF interactions in older signers: wich insights from motion capture?"
  • Dr. Catherine T. Bolly: "Multimodal stance in later life" (Universität zu Köln / UCLouvain)    
  • Prof. Dr. David Bowie (University of Anchorage, Alaska): "The role of the individual in the development of the Western Vowel System in Utah"     

  • Prof. Dr. Buchstaller Isabel (Universität Leipzig): "The effect of the socio-economic trajectory on longitudinal life-span change"
  • Dr. Céline De Looze (Trinity College Dublin): "Speech markers as an objective evaluation of cognitive impairment and related psychosocial outcomes in populations with Mild-Cognitive Impairment and mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease"
  • Prof. Dr. Frédérique Gayraud (Université of Lyon 2): "Alzheimer and bilingualism"         
  • Prof. Dr. Annette Gerstenberg (Freie Universität Berlin): "Normative features in a longitudinal perspective"         
  • Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak (University of Poznan): "Narratives about life across generations: communicating generational intelligence"  
  • Dr. Camilla Lindholm (University of Helsinki): "Eating or interacting? Feeding situations as communication"   
  • Dr. Lucia Marconi  (CNR): "Nouns and verbs extracted from an Italian corpus of the elderly"     
  • Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Parisot, Dr. Julie Rinfret (Université de Québec, Montréal): "Intergenerational variation in the use of space in Langue des Signes Québécoise (LSQ): The case of verb agreement marking Université de Québec, Montréal"
  • Dr. Lucie Rousier-Vercruyssen (University of Neuchâtel / University of Paris Nanterre La Défense): "How when and why old speakers use less specific referential expressions within their narrative flow than young speakers?"
  • Dr. Svenja Sachweh (TalkCare Bochum): "As good as it (probably) gets - how living in a dementia housing project engenders animation and interactivity"
  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Schröder (Universität Heidelberg): "ILSE Corpus: Experiences from the longitudinal study"
  • Dr. Maarja Siiner (University of Oslo): "Dementia and raging talk and talk about dementia and ageing: some examples of use of corpora"

  • Prof. Dr. Jan Svennevig (University of Oslo): "Collaborative word searches in conversations involving bilingual speakers with dementia"          

  • Inneke Schuurman (KU Leuven): "You're never too old for E-inclusion, are you?"
  • Valantis Fyndanis (University of Oslo): "Methods for assessing language abilities in healthy aging and Alzheimer's disease"




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