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Location: Altensteinstr. 23a (SupraFAB), lab 026.4 (OM S2 area)

SN: EX193002

FUB: 72000076070

Responsible persons & booking:

Detailed information and protocols how to use OpenIris you find here.

Requirements e.g. device specific training & safety briefing:

  1. Register as new SupraFAB user by sending personal info (name, working group, status/activity, office and laboratory room number) to, and participate in person in the next SupraFAB safety briefing (usually first Monday of the month, 10:00 - 12:00, you should receive infos by email).
    In case you DO NOT receive info about the next SupraFAB safety briefingwatch the 3 safety briefing videos (available here: on your own.
  2. Fill the transponder form with work safety questionaire(2. page), let it sign by your research group head, bring it to the on-site Intro and finally hand in to Katharina Tebel (office 103) or Achim Wiedekind (office 102).
  3. Book a biolab On-site Intro (dates & booking: see table) by sending and email to the respective biolab technician with the Biolab Technicians and let confirm your particiaption by a signature on the transponder form.
  4. Register as new user for SupraFAB by writing to, provide personal info (name, working group, status/activity, office and laboratory room number) and confirm your particiaption in the next SupraFAB safety briefing taking place usually the first Monday of the month, 10:00 - 12:00 (if you do not get a confirmation, please write another email or contact the SupraFAB coordinator or secratary in room 102 or 203, see SupraFAB Homepage)
  5. Fill the transponder form with work safety questionaire(2. page), let it sign by your research group head and the respective responsible persons in supraFAB and finally hand in to Katharina Tebel (office 103) or Achim Wiedekind (office 102). 
  6. Become familiar with the safety guidelins, instructions and rules.

  7. Contact the responsible person shown in OpenIris ( to get an an introduction & training to the device.
  8. Follow the addtional info for full accesss on the Access to the Optical Microscopy (OM) Facility page.
  9. Book the device using OpenIRIS (protocls see here).

Note: Scientific guests as well as non-scientific staff such as service personal from companies also need to get introduced by one of the PIs for genetic engeeneering (see Biolab Team & Lab Phone Numbers). The introducution and documentation forms and slides can be found on the safety intro page ( The documentation forms and permission forms need to be stored in the repsective folder in office 111.

Abberior Instruments STED Expert Line microscope*

The Abberior Instruments STED Expert Line microscope, equipped with the software Imspector (Abberior Instruments) and a motorized Olympus IX83 inverted microscope, allows the detection of cellular structures with dimensions below the diffraction limit of a conventional confocal microscope in 2D and 3D based on time gated Stimulated Emission Depletion. The system is equipped with pulsed excitation lasers and two pulsed depletion lasers, at 775 nm and at 595 nm allowing imaging multiple channels in STED mode with a lateral resolution of approximately 40 nm in all channels (based on measurements of 40 nm beads). Time gated detection allows discarding the detection of short-lived photons thereby improving spatial resolution, limiting the intensity of the STED lasers required. Easy 3D STED allows to improve axial resolution (70 nm axial resolution detected on 40 nm crimson beads with the 775 nm STED laser), to achieve isotropic resolution. Adaptive illumination such as RESCue STED and DyMin reduce sample STED irradiation significantly thereby enabling live-cell super-resolution over extended time-periods and large Z-stacks at high resolution, respectively. The STED Expert Line microscope is also equipped with RESOLFT lasers and optic modules to image with super-resolution switchable fluorescent proteins or organic dyes.

*The STED Expert Line Microscope from Abberior Instruments was purchased and financed as part of the Supramolecular Functional Architectures at Biological Interfaces research project (SupraFAB, BE 1381006). The large-scale research equipment in the SupraFAB research building makes use of the expertise and services of the BioSupraMol Core Facility with regard to research data infrastructures and research infrastructure management solutions for optimal operation with the best possible utilisation. The large-scale scientific equipment of the SupraFAB research building is available to users of the research building for the research programme of biointerface research in the new research building.


STED Expert Line-Mikroskop von Abberior Instruments*

Das STED Expert Line-Mikroskop von Abberior Instruments ist mit der Software Imspector (Abberior Instruments) und einem motorisierten inversen Olympus IX83-Mikroskop ausgestattet und ermöglicht die Erfassung von Zellstrukturen mit Abmessungen unterhalb der Beugungsgrenze eines herkömmlichen konfokalen Mikroskops in 2D und 3D basierend auf der time gated STimulated Emission Depletion (STED). Das System ist mit gepulsten Anregungslasern und zwei gepulsten Depletionslaser bei 775 nm und 595 nm ausgestattet, die die Abbildung mehrerer Kanäle im STED-Modus mit einer lateralen Auflösung von ungefähr 40 nm in allen Kanälen ermöglichen (basierend auf Messungen von 40 nm-Beads). Die time-gated Detektion ermöglicht das Verwerfen von Signalen kurzlebiger Photonen, wodurch die räumliche Auflösung verbessert und die erforderliche Intensität des STED-Laser reduziert wird. Easy 3D STED ermöglicht die Verbesserung der axialen Auflösung (70-nm-Axialauflösung, die mit dem 775-nm-STED-Laser an 40-nm-Beads erfasst wurde), um eine isotrope Auflösung zu erzielen. Adaptive Beleuchtung wie RESCue STED und DyMin reduzieren die STED-Bestrahlung von Proben erheblich und ermöglichen so eine Superhochauflösung von lebenden Zellen über längere Zeiträume und große Z-Stacks mit hoher Auflösung. Das STED Expert Line-Mikroskop ist außerdem mit RESOLFT-Lasern und optischen Modulen ausgestattet, um Bilder mit hochauflösenden schaltbaren fluoreszierenden Proteinen oder organischen Farbstoffen aufzunehmen.

*Das STED Expert Line-Mikroskop von Abberior Instruments wurde im Rahmen des Forschungsbaus Supramolekulare Funktionale Architekturen an Biogrenzflächen (SupraFAB, BE 1381006) angeschafft und finanziert. Die Forschungsgroßgeräte im Forschungsbau SupraFAB nutzen für einen optimalen Betrieb mit bestmöglicher Auslastung die Expertise und Angebote der Core Facility BioSupraMol bezüglich Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen und Forschungsinfrastrukturmanagementlösungen. Die wissenschaftlichen Großgeräte des Forschungsbaus SupraFAB stehen Nutzern des Forschungsbaus für die Forschungsprogrammatik der Biogrenzflächenforschung im Forschungsneubau zur Verfügung.


  • UPlanSApo 100x/1.40 Oil WD 0.17 mm
  • UPLSAPO100XS 100x/1.35 Silicone WD 0.2 mm
  • UPLSAPO60 60x/1.2 Water WD 0.28 mm



  • 405 nm continuous
  • 488 nm pulsed/continuous
  • 488 nm continuous (RESOLFT)
  • 561 nm pulsed
  • 640 nm pulsed
  • 595 nm pulsed (STED)
  • 775 nm pulsed (STED)



Ultra-high-sensitivity APDs with spectral detection module

  • 3 single-photon-counting APD modules; extremely low dark counts to render the finest details
  • APD modules enable highly accurate time gated detection
  • Single-photon-counting APD with a superior sensitivity (up to 65 % photon detection efficiency) and low dark count (<250Hz)
  • PMT detector for transmitted light

Four-Color Widefield Module for Epifluorescence with Camera Port

  • Widefield LED Illumination, 405nm/470nm/590nm/635nm
  • Quad Band filter cube (DAPI/FITC, STAR488/Cy3/Cy5. STAR635P)
  • Widefield monochrome camera, 1/2" CCD Chip, 1280x960 pixels
  • Custom Camera Port Module for IX83