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Attune NxTImage RemovedInvitrogen Attune NxT Flow CytometerImage Added

Location: Altensteinstr. 23a, 114.4

Responsible Person:

(S2 Biolabs)

Responsible Persons & Booking:

Detailed information and protocols how to use OpenIris you find here.


Type of measurementMeasurement:

Flow cytometry (FCM) is a technique used to detect and measure physical and chemical characteristics of a population of cells or particles. In this process, a sample containing cells or particles is suspended in a fluid and injected into the flow cytometer instrument. The sample is focused to ideally flow one cell at a time through a laser beam, where the light scattered is characteristic to the cells and their components. Cells are often labeled with fluorescent markers so light is absorbed and then emitted in a band of wavelengths. Tens of thousands of cells can be quickly examined and the data gathered are processed by a computer.

Uses for flow cytometry include:

  • Cell counting
  • (Cell sorting)
  • Determining cell characteristics and function
  • Detecting microorganisms
  • Biomarker detection
  • Protein engineering detection
  • Diagnosis of health disorders such as blood cancers
  • Note: Cell sorting is not possible with this device

A flow cytometry analyzer is an instrument that provides quantifiable data from a sample. Other instruments using flow cytometry include cell sorters which physically separate and thereby purify cells of interest based on their optical properties.

This flow cytometer is equipped with 2 lasers:

1) 488nm 2) 640nm

and 4 detectors:

FL1:  533/30 nm (e.g. FITC/GFP)
FL2: 585/40 nm (e.g. PE/PI)
FL3: > 670 nm (e.g. PerCP, PerCP-Cy™5.5, PE-Cy7)
FL4: 675/25nm (e.g. APC)


3 lasers and several detectors.


Software: Analysis PC & SoftwareInstruction/Manual:

1-Training manual and User Guides
