
To save energy, protect the environment and support sustainability, always check the guidelines provided by the Sustainability & Energy Unit before ordering and also for lab organisation. Already small measures such as switching off the power of devices after use, switching off the light in empty labs and offices, reducing the heating and reducing waste as well as dispose waste in the right containers for recycling will improve sustainability and will save energy. In case you have ideas to improve sustainability, contact the Biolab team. We are happy to implement changes and are in close exchange with the Sustainability & Energy Unit.

Laboratory Waste Disposal

For disposal of other laboratory waste not contaminated hazardous or genetically modified organisms, check the Operation Instructions for Disposal available in the biolab wiki or in the lab safety folder in 114.7 (chamber). Check also the informatio provided by the department and the university carefully:

In case you are not sure how to dispose certain solid or liquid waste possibly contaminatd with biological and/or chemical hazardous substances, contact the Biolab Team.

Laboratory Waste Disposal of contaminated with hazardous or genetically modified organisms (S1, S2 & RG2)

All waste contaminated with hazardous or genetically modified organisms (S1,  S2 & RG2) is collected separately in labelled waste contrainers for liquid, solid and sharp items, repsectively (see images) and needs to be autoclaved! Afterwards the waste can be discareded as normal waste.

Waste containing hazardous chemical substances, that cen evaporate during autuclave procedure, are not allowed to be autoclaved. 

Collect sharp items (syringes, glass pipettes, glass slides, etc.) in special containers. Close the lid, if they are full (lid cannot be opened again) and autoclave them.

Waste contaminated with RG2 & S1/S2 organisms

Waste container for sharp items contaminated with RG2 & S1/S2 organisms


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