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Before YOU start work in the SupraFAB Biolab or Optical Microscopy (OM) facility, contact one of the Biolab technicians to get a lab tour, practical training and introduction based on the biolab agreement AND beforehand

  1. Fill the transponder form including the questionaire on the third page and bring it with you for approval to the appointment with the biolab technicians; afterwards hand it over to Katharina Tebel (office 103) or Achim Wiedking (office 102).

  2. Listen to the oral safety instruction for the Genetic Engineering Facility 92/14 (documentation by test & signature needed and repetition once a year).
  3. Become familiar with the safety guidelins, instructions and rules.
  4. Apply with help of the head of your research group for a zedat account, if you do not have one.
  5. Register for the instrument booking system OpenIRIS; follow carefully step-by-step the three pdf protocols (1) Using OpenIris, (2) Access to BA Unit (Biolab) and (3) Booking BA Instruments. Further information and pdf protocols you find on the BA Provider BioSupraMol webpage.

  6. Subscribe to the Biolab Email List and join the biolab whatsapp group for fast exchange of information.

If you passed the intro and you got transponder access some more action for full access is needed:

  1. Provide your zedat account name to Katharina Achazi to get access to the data storage servers.
  2. To access the OM facility microscopes, follow the instructions on the Optical Microscopy Wiki.
  3. In case you need to access the microfluidics, bacterial or virus lab, you need an additional practical training by the respective lab responsible person and you need to obey the additional rules for working with S2 pathogens and to register pathogens in the wiki. Hazardous substances must be also registers in chemical data base of FUB the CLAKS.

For printing, please use the Multi-User FollowMe-Printers (currently you have to use the one located in Takustr. 3 or any other institute building).

More information about SupraFAB you can find on the SupraFAB homepage and the SupraFAB wiki.

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