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To get access to the OM facility as new user, follow the procedure below step by step.

  1. Participate in person in the annual SupraFABsafety briefing(next: June 3rd 2024 at10am, room 119);
    in case you need access before, watch the recorded safety briefingbecome familiar with the safety guidelins, instructions and rules & biolab agreement.
    In case you only want to use the Leica SP8-2 located in Takustr. 6 contact AG Heyd for information about the safety briefing.
  2. Watch the video about confocal microscopy and the OM video tutorial.
  3. Make an appointment with your Keyuser*, to get practical training (2-3 session) & an intro to the OM , the BioSupraMol , data handling (network) as well as the SupraFAB House guidelines. The Keyuser need to sent an email to Katharina Achazi and Marta Maglione to confirm successful training. In case you want to use the ZEISS AiryScan confocal with PicoQuant FLIM/FCS module or the Abberior STED microscope, contact Marta Maglione or Katharina Achazi; for the Nicon TIRF microscopes contact Stephan Block.

  4. Fill the transponder form with work safety questionaire(3. page), let it sign by your research group head & afterwards by Marta Maglione or Katharina Achazi and finally hand in to Katharina Tebel (office 103) or Achim Wiedekind (office 102). 

    Note: Scientific guests as well as non-scientific staff such as service personal from companies also need to get introduced by one of the PIs for genetic engeeneering (see Biolab Team & Lab Phone Numbers). The introducution and documentation forms and slides can be found here: on the safety intro page ( The documentation forms and permission forms need to be stored in the repsective folder in office 111.

If you passed the training and safety briefing, more action for full access is needed:

  1. (Optional) In case you do NOT have a FUB Email, apply with help of the your cooperating FUB research group for a guest zedat account.
  2. Subscribe to the OM Email list. You can use the Email list ( to sent an Email to all user.
  3. Register for the instrument booking system OpenIRIS by following the pdf protocols on the OpenIRIS Booking System page and book devices always via:
  4. Get access to the  BCP-storage network drives to safe and transfer your measurement data.
  5. To access the SupraFAB S2 Biolab, follow the instructions on the Biolab Wiki.


An OM Keyuser serves as contact person for the OM staff and will support the OM staff to train new users of the respective research group. If there is no active Keyuser, choose in agreement with the research group head a new Keyuser that will get trained from the OM staff but need to stay for at least 2-3 years and should be experienced in optical (confocal) microscopy.


In case, your group never used the OM facility before ask your research group head to register to the booking system OpenIris via the request "Register with BioSupraMol/SupraFAB (BCP) @ FU-Berlin" and to contact the core-facility coordinator Mathias Dimde for establishing group access to the BCP-storage.